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I hope this isn't the end of this build there is alot of good stuff going on with it. Its sad if this is how its going to end since alot donated to this project.

Moving along... I think we need a new auction bike...


Might be hard to do, don't think you will get many parts or $'s sent to you unless you are well known after what has happened here...

I know Mr RatRod himself is a busy man, but I'm pretty sure we trust him... :wink:


Edit: Maybe Uncle Stretch would be willing? :D Pretty sure we would fork out decent money for one of his frames, even if it was just a frame up for auction?
i agree with luke ...someone needs 2 take this over ....
i think it should b like the last two auction bikes tho ...based on a picture !!! not just one guys idea !! but that just how i feel about it !! there is tons of talent here and pleanty of ppl who would build a BA bike !!!
who will it be ?? who knows ??? i sure hope someone will step up n get er done...LOL :mrgreen:
man i tell ya what ...id love 2 do it but im really not sure i have enuff skill 2 make it something ppl would want !!!
i have ZERO money i could use on it ...have no one who could pin stripe anything ...have no one for PCing...
and id like a something to build off of ...some kinda idea ya know !!! anyway im pretty sure they is way more talent here that will step up !!!! just sayin :wink:
I dunno man, maybe I am too trusting or maybe I am just old school. But I will continue to trust until a person gives me a reason not to trust them. I would say he ruined it for himself. But the majority of folks on this site are still trustworthy. Don't let one bad apple spoil the bunch as they say.
Diabolical_Dork said:
I dunno man, maybe I am too trusting or maybe I am just old school. But I will continue to trust until a person gives me a reason not to trust them. I would say he ruined it for himself. But the majority of folks on this site are still trustworthy. Don't let one bad apple spoil the bunch as they say.

True, but he's the second person I know of that had really good feedback that did something like this.

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