RRB Rookie from Alabama- ONE YEAR OLD TODAY!

Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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The Renaissance Man

__CERTIFIED DIVER__ (Open Water & Open Dumpster)
Staff member
Pro Member
Nov 24, 2012
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The Tropics of Alabama
Rating - 100%
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My name is Jimmy and I live in Gadsden, Alabama with my beautiful wife and two children. I have almost always owned bicycles of one type or another. As a kid with no father around, and very little resources, I (along with a neighborhood buddy) would build bikes out of junk parts that we could scrounge together. I discovered that I really enjoyed the process about as much as the end results! Now, at 50 years old, I can honestly say that not much has changed. Being a graphic artist and a jazz drummer, I love the creative process. In fact, it was while researching ideas for a bike build (that I'm planning for) that I found this site.

I would also like to say that it's refreshing to see that the site administrator/owner is a self professed Christian and not afraid to say so. Too many people today see that as liability and not an asset! (I have read the Forum Rules and understand rule 6, so that is all that I will say in that regard.)

I'm looking forward to my future visits and seeing more of the creative bikes and tinkerers that have found there way here just as I did.
No Longer a Rookie! 1st Anniversary today!

Today marks one year ago that I joined RatRodBikes as a member. :)

Since then, I have chronicled five different builds. Out of those, only two have made it to completion, another is complete (with the exception of covering the saddle), and the other two are on hold waiting for life to get out of the way for a minute!

Finding this online community and joining it has been a major motivator for keeping this hobby alive for me. I have been dabbling with old bikes for a number of years before RRB's, but I find myself participating in this forum almost daily and getting more inspired with each bike that I see! Now I'm having the problem of too many bikes and ideas for more!

Thanks Steve and all of the RatRodBikers for making this a positive place to spend time on the internet!

Here are my builds from 2013:

Old Glory :arrow: http://www.ratrodbikes.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=67438
WHITE LIGHTNING :arrow: http://www.ratrodbikes.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=71787
YZ-24 MOTOBIKE :arrow: http://www.ratrodbikes.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=75&t=72053
SOUTHERN FLYER :arrow: http://www.ratrodbikes.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=75&t=72053&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=150
J C Huffins Flightliner :arrow: http://www.ratrodbikes.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=76793

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