me too..
I gave my prizes to the Prize God's
they are for someone else to decide their goings..
Maybe the winner can have first pic of 2 Prizes..
and the rest can go to,
forth....etc..until they are gone...
for example,The First Place guy get's 2 prizes of his choice.
Then the second gets his pick of one
...then third picks one
....all the way until no prizes are left.
The more prizes in the pot....
The more people "place", and get a prize.
Ideally every Builder should have to Put forth a Prize as an Entry Fee..
then we all have fun,learn and win!
In that case the ultimate prize would be the First Place Trophy,
and every other builder who has put forth his Blood sweat and tears
comes out with a Cool Prize( like a Shirt from a Foreign Bike Shop )
am I making any sense here?
just my 2 cents..