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Lol I'm a shoebox fan and I can't tell what number, so to add to the confusion, here's a Norton

Lol we need an automotive reference thread to go with the cultural reference thread
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So, supposedly, this is the year of the rat. I propose something different, with the amount of humpy Schwinns in the thing, is this actually the Year of the Camel?

And if so, should I drop some bills for a frame swap?

It's a 24", but this Canadian Camel Machine is so much better than my Moose
I created the Highlight Thread for ALL of us to give shout outs to anything cool we see in BO16. I just go a bit crazy posting during the build offs. :D It's not a job, it's an adventure :D . I actually don't remember seeing this pristine Spaceliner though. Whose build is it?

Do not know.
Here's another shot of it from my copy of The American Bicycle by Jay Pridmore and Jim Hurd. A must have for vintage cycle enthusiasts.
Do not know.
Here's another shot of it from my copy of The American Bicycle by Jay Pridmore and Jim Hurd. A must have for vintage cycle enthusiasts.
View attachment 157977

Oh, I get it now, you are showing the number of builds by the year of this bike. I thought you were showing an BO16 and was trying to figure out how I missed that one. :D :D :D
Well as always i'm a lurker, the comp looks tight this year! Lurking the builds is nuts,
picked up a 96 21" Black Schwinn 3-Bar Cruiser supreme? I think, been wanting to to do another Stand/Klunk style in Green or Yellow?

A Dr. Frankenstein's wife theme bike (Elizabeth) or Bride of? Probably been done already?

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Scalpels, scissors, stitches, skin
Wake this eternal sleep she's in
And we'll breed for you, on your command
Hate the living, love the dead

Nerves steady, hands are sure
Bride reborn to view with horror
Blackened eyes, blood-stained hands
Hate the living, love the dead

Put me together with the bodies of the dead
And I will wait for life and breathe again
Hate the living, love the dead
Well after searching the site it look's like the whole Frankenstein or variances have been beat down like a dead horse!? Though Bride of is more of a Black/White theme and would be much better suited to the Class 2 builds.

I'm trying to go for a Green/Yellow look 😐
Soo with that being said?

Da Fly!
