I've seen you go. You'd build 6 different iterations and they would all be coolA one week build-off sounds good to me.
I've seen you go. You'd build 6 different iterations and they would all be coolA one week build-off sounds good to me.
Last night I found a postwar DX that was hiding in the garage that I had forgotten about.Only half a month left!!!!
What does everyone have planned for this year!!??
I am still torn between two completely different builds.
And he'd throw in a couple of side builds for good measure. Reallybigtim style is prolific!I've seen you go. You'd build 6 different iterations and they would all be cool![]()
The "Eureka" moment happened today while looking through stuff out in the garage. I know exactly what I am going to build and it's going to be obnoxious!And he'd throw in a couple of side builds for good measure. Reallybigtim style is prolific!
Cool, it's been a few years since i did a build off but i think i'm gonna join the fun!
Got a frame, a fork that needs some welding, wheels, a handlebar, a seat, a front wheel, and a rear rim![]()
Verstuurd vanaf mijn SM-J600FN met Tapatalk
Hey! That's way too much to sum up in one picture! Where's the details?
I am assuming that approximate timeframe as well. What's it gonna be @Rat Rod ??
Bold name...well...it's in bold.
I think i'm in this year, hopefully if I can get the parts, will be interesting, 1/ still in lockdown 6mths,no work and 2. shipping is snail slow and even more expensive...I plan to join the fun. Right now I have two different ideas. One is old with some new. The other is new with some old. We'll see how it shakes out come May.
As long as it has pedals. Never has been a issue in the past.Maybe I’ve been lurking too long and missed something. Are e-bikes considered pedal powered while internal combustion assist isn’t? Nothing against e-bikes; just bought one for my wife. I can see where one might fit in “anything goes” but certainly not traditional. Maybe a third class for power assist, whether E or IC? Regardless, you always build some cool stuff, Duchess, just want to figure this out now not later.
No need to add a extra group, as long as it has pedals, bikes can look traditional with electric, these days batteries are hidden in tanks... I have built a motorized and a electric, but both were in Anything due to frame welding.To add, since there’s nothing traditional about e-bikes, the category would be “anything goes” except the bike has to have pedals/crank/chain and they have to be functional.
Yep that was a fun build, with 2 comps TRM and I nudging each other to the limits.I remembered that TRM & FunkMe went head-to-head during the 2015 WBO (the lady actually took 1st place!), so there is already some precedent for powered bikes competing directly in the mix. I'm not sure it's ever happened in the big show, however. Provided they have working pedals, I'd vote to let 'em in, with or without their own class. I'm just easy that way.
I agree, I built Simpatico and it was electric. Does not make a different, as long as you can pedal it/rideable.Not sure if we need an extra class for electric bikes. A conversion seldom requires extensive modification. The electric motor simply makes pedaling easier, just like any transmission does - a different principle for sure, but the desired effect is less effort for the rider in both cases.
I don't even think it should be in the anything goes section.