Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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If I could build something half as cool as what's in my head, I might be a contender... for now, I'm just having fun daydreaming.

Oh yeah, I start my new job in 2 weeks, I'm off till then, will be getting everything together! :mrgreen:

Some inspiration:


Man, I could go on for days... but look at the details on these!

Details and overall design are what counts to me, more than "bling" or money. Has to look like everything on it was meant to be there.
big kountry said:
my bike is tore down already an I've started collecting parts bikes an parts to trade for parts I may need so when I start my build thread if you see any parts in pics you may need feel free to offer a trade I do have a huffy tandam that is getting parted out soon

I've got the same frame as your tandem, I'd like to see your chain tensioner and the rear handlebar mount... does it have a headbadge?
Hey brett4christ, I think you found the long lost brother to one of my favorite builds!



How it turned out (a few years back)
yoothgeye said:
kingfish254 said:
Stay focused and build what you want.
I don't buy into the idea that there is a good ole boy network here that gets all of the attention.
Builds typically get attention because they are cool, and not because of who is building them.

Then I build things that aren't cool. haha

No way! Your builds are uber cool!
Peatbog said:
Remember, no frame modifications.

Uhhh... ok. :|


This will not be my build bike, but looking at it makes me want to put a sphere type body over it, kind of like a BMW Isetta. Someone commented on a video of one on eBay and said they had one and put the motor from their pocket bike on it... :shock:
All these parts are ready for a buildin'!! Man I been waiting for this since last build. I'm gonna throw ya cats a curve ball. Hey B!! I'll hold it down till ya get back. Peace
big kountry said:
okay stupid question where are the rules I can't find them

Oh, just about every 5th page of this thread. haha

Here's your chance to build the ultimate Rat Rod Bike.

Follow the rules below and have fun! We're keepin' this thing pretty loose so don't get yourself in a knot. :shock:

Participants should use their thread as a journal including write ups and photos.

1. You can only enter one bike in the build off (can change bikes once if needed)
2. Start a new post and use the bike name as the Subject.
3. Must use factory frame....no altering of original frame structure/geometry
(grinding off fender tabs and cutting seat tube height is okay, just no major frame design changes).
4. Bike must not already be built.
5. Must include before, progress, and after photos (all in one thread please)
6. Bike must be ridable.
7. Use any parts you like....mo rat = mo bettah!
8. Parts can be attached any way you wish (includes welding).
9. Paint must be applied by builder...pinstripping by someone else is acceptable.
10. Don't ask a bunch of goofy questions trying to get around the rules...just build a cool bike and have fun.
11. KEEP IT CHEAP...remember...IT'S A RAT ROD!!!!

You must post your completed bike in the "FINISHED RRBBO6" forum
by 9:00 p.m. CST, August 1, 2011.


Now get ta buildin'!
yoothgeye said:
Gold Street Customs said:
Big Players ? I really don't think we have big players here, I think the only one who has won twice or came close was Karfer, most of the winners I never voted for and at the end its like wow, didn't see that one coming :shock:

You'll see, haha, you will see.

Anyway, I guess I'm just jealous because I want all the attention! haha

This year I won't be spending much money, but I will only briefly state that this is a budget build. Per the rules they are all supposed to be budget builds, but since people have different notions of what is cheap and what isn't I'm gonna stop caring that some people are spending twice to ten times what I am.

I will build a bike that I want to see built, and I will love it with plans of it being my bike forever. I will get at least one vote... my own. :mrgreen:

yoothgeye, You seem like a cool guy, doing alot of work for your church, doing cool builds, well received here on this forum.... Please stop worrying about the BIG Players.. yada, yada, yada.....
Your build last year got almost 13,000 views... nearly 10,000 more than mine, and I'd say that'd be about average more than most of the threads last year....
I went back and checked, out of 106 entries yours finished ahead of 73 of them and tied with about a half dozen more... that's better than 2/3 the entire field....
You made your thread something everyone wanted to follow and read, I can't believe that you did that JUST to get votes.... That much effort had to be because you were enjoying what you were doing and Having Fun.....
Which is the WHOLE point of the build off and this forum when you really look at it....

Sorry if any of this is taken in the wrong way, it just sorta pains me to see you clearly bugged by what others are doing (and I don't mean the rules , cause I'm with you there, a bit of a stickler myself).

Once again I humbly offer this in a spirit of camaraderie...
and to steal from Jake, Cue " Silver Lining - Stiff Little Fingers "
Thanks, sometimes I need a reality check. It's easy to get "cabin fever" on a forum after you've been there for a while with little outside interaction with bike people, you start questioning motives. The longest forum I was a member of was mostly people from NC, VA, and SC, so we met up twice a year and that helped break any impressions you had made about them based on what they typed (or how they typed).

Anyway, I'm going to have fun this year, I'm going to be a big player, and I WILL get more votes with my Pacific Cycles China made bike than someone who drops big cash on an antique frame and high dollar wheels and tires.

I have been thinking a lot about my final photo shoot... I want there to be action involved... Stay tuned.

Now I just need a "hook" for my updates to keep people coming back...
outskirtscustoms said:
Youth to me you seem like a fun guy who builds some cool stuff. If you are happy with your work that's all that matters. Rat on!

From personal experience, you hit the nail right on the head! YG is one of the coolest guys I have met in a while! Would bend over backwards to help someone, LOVES what he does (whatever he decides to do), and is very creative in his approach to his bike-building.

He'll do well in the build-off! As for me, I still have a TON to do, and even more to learn!
brett4christ said:
outskirtscustoms said:
Youth to me you seem like a fun guy who builds some cool stuff. If you are happy with your work that's all that matters. Rat on!

From personal experience, you hit the nail right on the head! YG is one of the coolest guys I have met in a while! Would bend over backwards to help someone, LOVES what he does (whatever he decides to do), and is very creative in his approach to his bike-building.

He'll do well in the build-off! As for me, I still have a TON to do, and even more to learn!

You're on the right site! I can't begin to tell you how much I have learned since being here. I used to pick up bikes just because I thought they were cool, now I know what some are worth and I actually make money from some of them. Also I learned that not every bike is worth fixing, sometimes they are worth more parted out than if they were put together. I have also discovered the art of the deal when it comes to negotiating prices and bartering.
I have learned how to win a build-off through manipulation and bribery, you have all just been my pawns!

(maybe I should've waited till after the build-off to bring this up... :oops: )
yoothgeye said:
This year I won't be spending much money, but I will only briefly state that this is a budget build. Per the rules they are all supposed to be budget builds, but since people have different notions of what is cheap and what isn't I'm gonna stop caring that some people are spending twice to ten times what I am.

I will build a bike that I want to see built, and I will love it with plans of it being my bike forever. I will get at least one vote... my own. :mrgreen:

I'm in $5 for the frame, $50 for used wheels, tires, bars, stem, forks, bottom bracket, seat and post. still need the cranks and chainring, chain, and brakes (OMG a bike with brakes! that will never win with all those cables cluttering up everything!)
I decided to post why I post a list of why I am entering the buildoff.
1. Duh , I am a psycho bike fanatic
2. I got my air compressor fixed
3. I won't have to morgage the landlords house to have fun
4.My family is counting on me to ignore then for three months
5.I get to get parts out of the garage and make more space,,,(for more bikes)
6.Get away from the TV
7.Letting the ideas in my head escape to make a creation
8. Having something cool to post and talk about on the site
9.Don't own a Harley
10 .The joy of being in the brother (and sister) hood of bike builders and riding a personel creation