Schwinn Delorean DMC-12

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Re: Bike theme released-Schwinn Frame

more parts selected....not enough pictures, Wait for tomorrow!

As soon as i get it off the going to use this tioga sprocket, might not use the cranks since i dont want chrome on this bike...I have sugino cranks instead of these SR Cro-Mo cranks.

The reason im using the sprocket is it screams 80's...Its the closest i can get to the time period, and closest i can get for similarity to the delorean.
Of course, it wont look like this on the bike

And really not trying to go BMX but hey, it was popular then. But theyre lower bmx/MTB bars with a cross brace, which reminds me of the pneumatics in the gullwing doors.

I keep redeciding on wheels...

I do have brakes, Cool STAR brakes ill need to take pictures of...and i need brakes now too
Shouldnt have given away my bulldogs
Re: Bike theme released-Schwinn Frame

More Updates...Got the frame primed, and some parts primed

Not the best pictures, im not used to this camera

And the sprocket, Im allmost done with the spider

I was surprised it was gold...


JoeyMac said:
What happens when you get the bike to 88 miles per hour?
Im pretty sure at 88MPH...Due to flux compression, and the lack of testing on the bicycle format for a time machine, It may fall apart.

Fun Fact:
The original idea for a time machine for back to the future was a fridgerator
Re: Bike theme released-Schwinn Frame

Since allmost everything is ready to be put together...I think im going to Tally up my costs SO FAR

Frame: Through trade(Monark fork parts)
Tires: $10
Wheels:Zip(As of now)
Sprocket:Bought bike for $40...Stole sprocket off of it
Paint: Cant remember, this paint has been sitting here a long time
Along with the automotive paint, my dad had it from past projects
Bars: Free

Anything else ill figure later
Re: Bike theme released-Schwinn Frame

Terrible picture of the paint...very terrible

Heres some more parts i got today, I dont think i want to keep the seat

And heres the parts with paint on them


Since the frontend clips had a darker silver on them(neither me or my dad think it was actually stainless steel)
i painted the bars and im painting the forks a darker steel color. Sort of green, but when you take it out in the sun it gets silver-er
the flux capacitor regulates the 1.21 gigawatts of power generated from lybian plutonium into the time circuits which activate at 88mph and shift the vessel out of phase with the space time continum and towards the preprogrammed destination. The deLorean is a perfect vessel because of the stainless steel shell that insulates the pilot from the harmful effects of time travel.
haha ive seen this movie waaaaay too much
also, eventhough the 2nd one is awesome its completely rediculous physics wise but screw it cuz cmon hoverboards are every kid from the 80's dream
I have a similar seat I put on my 21-spd. Not very stylish, but my aging behind appreciates it's unseen comfort. :wink:
well they work on the principle that they still hover but you cant get the friction needed from water as say the street to propel you horizontally
but yea in order to get across a body of water, "you need POWER!!"
Re: Bike theme released-Schwinn Frame

TheFlyingDingo said:
Since allmost everything is ready to be put together...I think im going to Tally up my costs SO FAR

Frame: Through trade(Monark fork parts)
Tires: $10
Wheels:Zip(As of now)
Sprocket:Bought bike for $40...Stole sprocket off of it
Paint: Cant remember, this paint has been sitting here a long time
Along with the automotive paint, my dad had it from past projects
Bars: Free

Anything else ill figure later

yes, you forgot your...
Calvin Kleins: $22,95

Can't wait to see this Marty McFlyer on the road! Great theme.
Working hard today and tomorrow...theres no way this thing isnt going to be finished.

i think im going to have to change the tires since the other ones i have are more-car like.
Pictures of though as progress continues

Heres a better picture of the frame

Now heres the twist:


Ill be up all night...
This is a sign of why i should stop working when im so tired...
I Forgot the Apostrophe M

Ive got allmost everything ready to go except the two little secrets...i will finish tomorrow...Even If my work buddy wont help me

Got a mockup kind of thing...

My pedalses


Progress on the secrets


And my fork...and i painted it...its just not painted right now
The "Secret" Could not be finished in time...didnt want extreme pressure tonight. Plus, The other secret couldnt be finished...since there was no way to mount it. If secret 2 isnt there secret one would not look right...both secrets will be finished!!!

Maybe Next time...

Heres more progress since the last

More information in the final build thing...Im just happy i finished
The finished bike looks nothing like a delorean! Thank god... ;-b It does look like a heckuva cool bike! Clean and simple, and the delorean badge's is shure to pull some smiles. I love the looks and the handlebars are neat, as is the sprocket.

Well done!

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