If it has the head-badge look for a 4 digit code stamped into it. First number is last number of year and other 3 are the day of year 1-365. They did this on more modern Schwinns. Looks 80's-90's to me. Here's an '81 add for reference.
Probably used in some factory by a maintenance man that just couldn't stand not having grease zirks on something that takes grease. I'll bet that head tube and BB are packed full of grease. YUK! Gary
Unfortunately no head badge, I was doing a image search and found a photo I had posted here of a heavy duty that looks the same and it was a 1979. It's sad when you cant remember bikes you've posted guess it's part of getting old
Wildcat I agree it looks like a good idea but I don't think it works very well. but I do remember the other one had the same grease fittings. thinking I might use the fork for a 26'' BMX build
A '79 would have blade forks, middleweight wheels, and the frame would be electroforged, whereas the frame from this thread is TIG'd. But, the color and overall geometry and cantilever-style frame would look very similar...