Yes, I did pick this up in Staples. The seller certainly wasn't giving the bike away, but it wasn't an outrageous amount. He said he'd been approached with offers such as $10-$15 dollars from folks explaining that the bike was worthless. Although not very knowledgable, he did know enough
not to accept. I figured it was worth the amount I paid - being a complete vintage bicycle in solid, unrestored condition. Although Initially dissappointed of its "middle weight" status, I've since changed my tune.
Once I got it home and posted pictures on my FB account, a local photographer contacted me requesting to use it for photos in their studio. Who could deny them that? (smiles) The bike has since been returned to me.
It is currently being dissasembled, cleaned and tuned up. It is shining up like a vintage penny! My original plan was to turn it into a Hornet. But it is polishing up so nice that I don't have the heart alter it. The only things I plan to add are truss rods, a tank and a different seat.
As far as worth goes, we're all different with regard to what we see value in. What some may consider worthless, others may consider priceless. I have no regrets about the amount I paid for this bike. I can't wait to get it back together and on the road!