Schwummit strandie

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Thanks, “Why Won’t This #%^*~^* Yellow Come Off!” was getting a little old....

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I was having the same problem with my frame so I tried this stuff from home depot. Spray it on, let it set for 30-45 minutes then use a paint scraper and the bullet proof paint comes right off. I did have to do it twice to get all the paint off then the wire wheel finished the job.

So, while I wait for more favorable painting conditions, I figured I would polish the chrome bits.
When I got to the crankset, the 0000 steel wool I was using started REMOVING the ‘plating’.....[emoji35]

Instead of sourcing another crank, I made an ‘executive decision’ to paint it the same color as the wheels. Fortunately, it’s only the chainring that needs painting, the crank arms chrome is fine.

Long story short (too late perhaps), current status

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Looking good!


Well, no pics today, but I did wet sand the runs out and touched up were I sanded through with a second color coat. Decided to go with a matte clear topcoat, so gotta go buy a couple of cans.

Final ‘build’ may be delayed a few days, but still shooting for a rider this weekend.

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I guess I forgot to inform Mother Nature of my intentions to get this bike built over the weekend.
I was able to get the first coat of matte clear applied and wet sanded.

Work will probably keep me from making any real progress until Thursday/Friday...
Until then, go ride a bike!

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BIG progress today!
Finally got decent enough weather to finish up the paint/clear.
After 2 coats of color and 4 coats of matte/‘dead flat’ clear (wet sanded between each coat).
The paint turned out just the way I’d hoped. The matte will look good with the glossy decals that will go on next.
I was able to get everything assembled and to a rider.








It rides really nice (can’t figure out how to add a video via Tapatalk).

I’ll call it ‘done’ when the decals come in.

I’d like to thank a few people that helped make this come together.
@ind-chuckz for the frame and tires [emoji1360]
@Smoopy’s for the headbadge [emoji1363]
@kingfish254 for the wheels [emoji1365]
@kingfish254 and @OddJob for the ‘counseling’
@Rat Rod for starting the strandie page that made me say ‘I want one of those!’

For now, I’m gonna go ride my new bike!

Cheers all!
Dr. T (Rob)

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