Glad to hear she'll be alright.
I was black and blue up to my armpits when a nice little old lady drove her towncar up the curb and mashed me into a payphone. I took the hit in my thighs, so nothing was broken. In the ER, they said I was lucky, I told them I had been hit by a car, that wasn't lucky. I wasn't even hit above the waist but turned all shades of black and blue. All the docs and nurses in the ER seemed in a bad mood, so I thought I would cheer them up, I announced loudly "I've got on a brand new pair of underwear! I picked the right day to get hit by a car!". They didn't think it was funny at all.
I have the same truck as yours, only a 4 door. Good truck, but when the F150's went on sale I tried to trade it in. Not enough resale value, I would need an extra 5 grand to break even. The F150's are the best deal right now, and if I had to be in a crash, I want a large vehicle like that.