Some guys are running golf cart tires. Lots of Mini parts houses around. You can buy pretty much anything you want for it.
TheFlyingDingo said:How heavy are they? I wouldn't have thought there would be enough power in these little guys to win monte carlo in the 60s
TheFlyingDingo said:Thats why I asked how heavy they
leaded said:heres mine.... Customized 50´Chevrolet Fleetline . 70 modifications, great runner all year, spiketires on winter!
pick said:A work in progress! Under construction (always)! 1948 Chevy Sedan Delivery. Will be a great bike hauler!
Gdcast said:Wow! and in a few days you´ll have a matching bike!!!
Dunno which one I like the best, thumbs up my friend!
leaded said:From another side of the world.....last year in approx. - 35* C , but car did function, great runner! -.....and hope by bicycle motorized gonna be too!
Gdcast said:Teeth Rotting SWEET!!!
It´s like a scene from a movie!
So, is it flat black now or did you paint it cream and blue lately?
Gold Street Customs said:The term trailer queen does not apply here :shock: