silent auction find

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Jan 18, 2009
Reaction score
bath, PA
Rating - 0%
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i went to a local silent auction because i herd of a schwinn bicentennial bike for only 20 bucks when i got there it was already up past what i could afford on it . there was a Schwinn Hornet there too but already having 2 big bikes already i passed on it .
so there was this little lonesome Schwinn Purple Fair Lady .. cheap so i put my bid in and won it .. i see alot of you guys make lowriders out of the boys bikes hell i even have one .. so this girls bike im going to make it a lowrider maybe try to stretch it :) should be interesting . but i told myself ill hold off on working on it untill i get the Bounce to the Once (monark) build done .


happy me .. fuzzy camera phone pic

1971 Fair lady . made in april(my birthday month) .. too bad its not a 72 .. i would have matching car and bike years

she will sit next to Envy till im ready for it
HA HA look someone has put straws on the spokes for when ya paint the wheels :mrgreen:

good score
There are much more stepover (woman's) bicycles out there at auctions than there are man's. Some with tanks and a lot in Penn. Just if you see a old guy bidding with a "The Wheelmen" patch on his army sweater, you will not win the auction. Introduce yourself.
Try this site and follow the instructions in the yellow box.
Floyd said:
Cool Bike! I'm sure you'll do something neat with it. I'm really liking the black primer Nova too!!!
hahaha thanks thats my baby . she needs a new coat of primer
stretch said:
maybe you could send it to me and i could whip somethin up for ya! :wink: my name aint stretch for no reason


hahaha stretch i love your bikes but i wouldnt be able to reach thoe handle bars on those im a short little girl haha .. but i might be asking some questions down the road
Hey Jen, sweet bike! I'd say you did good. :mrgreen: I can't wait to see the modifications you're planning on doing to it. But don't rush though, working on too many bikes at once can be difficult. :)
Jen, if theres a skull and to lightning bolts on the hood!! is there something your not telling us? "run away, run away" :shock:
jon said:
Jen, if theres a skull and to lightning bolts on the hood!! is there something your not telling us? "run away, run away" :shock:

Jon i dont know what your talking about i swear lol .. dont mind the tractor seat when you get in :)
nice find, the bike that is. i myself keep getting bike after bike to rebuild or make projects of. just do one at a time. that should make a great project bike, and i used to build those up into lowriders. allready have the apes, bannana seat and sissy bars, throw on a sick paint job, a springer and a pair of baby daytons, and your in buisness.

nice nova too. got a 68' nova chevy 2 in the family at my other house. she's primer black too, but only with a 6cyl and powerglide.
jon said:
Jen, Marry :oops: or at least take me for a ride!
hahahaha ... didnt get a belt buckle that has "heartbreaker" on it for nothing .. j/k
but i could take ya for a ride but only if you sit down hold on and keep your mouth shut when i take turns side ways . i hate it when they scream hahahaha
HotRodJen said:
jon said:
Jen, Marry :oops: or at least take me for a ride!
hahahaha ... didnt get a belt buckle that has "heartbreaker" on it for nothing .. j/k
but i could take ya for a ride but only if you sit down hold on and keep your mouth shut when i take turns side ways . i hate it when they scream hahahaha
:shock: :lol:
maddogrider said:
HotRodJen said:
jon said:
Jen, Marry :oops: or at least take me for a ride!
hahahaha ... didnt get a belt buckle that has "heartbreaker" on it for nothing .. j/k
but i could take ya for a ride but only if you sit down hold on and keep your mouth shut when i take turns side ways . i hate it when they scream hahahaha
:shock: :lol:
I got so tired of hearing the girls yak'n all the time. Otherwise it wouldn't have been too bad.