Silver King Unchained aka SKU is complete! This is a 1936 Wards Hawthorne Silver King frame, hot rodded with a Trek belt drive system and Sugino track cranks in a 3 piece conversion bottom bracket. The rollers are a Felt wheelset sporting a 24 x 3 Thick Brick in the rear and a 26 x 2.125 Thick Brick in the front. An ATV graveyard handlebar, a re-pop Monark springer front end, and Avid disc brake make up the control center. A Brooks saddle, rat trap pedals, custom leather grips, and one-off wood bar plugs finish off the cockpit. An LED lit tractor head light up front and LED lit tractor clearance light in the rear finish it off.
Here is the link to my build thread for the SKU:
And a final ride video I shot tonight, Thursday, August 25, 2022. Music track provided by "Proven Risky", my son and his guitar playing buddy at age 18; approx 15 yrs ago. Entitled "JB Groove".
A few process photos and a couple from tonight. Had a blast working with this very cool aluminum alloy frame, Duralumin , light weight and rust less- the same strong, heat tempered aluminum alloy used in streamlined trains & airplanes. IT is a smooth and agile rider, and quiet as can be with the belt drive.

"This is OddJob, signing off, from the BACK40. RaT oN~!

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