I know there not by any means a high end bike but I can't believe how these bikes are delivered to the customer. First and worst of all, both forks on both bikes, one a Cranbrook and the other a Good Vibrations, where the legs are welded to the stearing post one leg is welded further forward than the other leg causing the bikes to both vear to one side even with the wheel adjusted all kinds of ways in the drop outs. Second, the bikes come all galfed up with scratches and if you wanted to keep the decals on, to flippin bad, there all crooked and full of air bubbles, it honestley looks like they were partially assembled by twelve year olds. I paid 100 bucks for the Cranbrook and 144 for the Good Vibrations, both the same exact bike only different color. I called Huffy customer service today and told them and they said just call em back with the serial number of the bikes and they would send me a new fork, I'm worried they will come the same way seeing how they are all made in the land of cheap labor. Oh well, I should have just took the money from both and bought one decent bike.