so what else do you collect ?

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Pretty much anything that draws my interest. I'm on the verge of becoming a hoarder in regauards to certain things. Here's some of my main types of collections:
Diecast cars, old boxing and wrestling memorabilia, old strongman memorabilia, car and motocycling memorabilia, some action figures based on movies or t.v. shows, bike memorabilia, beer memorabilia, sticker collection (Auto, motocycle and bicycle related) and all types of metal signs. I've also collected quite a few autographs over the years.

My wife has a massive doll collection, coca cola and Dr. Pepper. She also has a large number of fastfood toys from over the years. The kind like you get outta Happy Meals and such.

We're hoping to move within the next year, so most of our collections have been packed away.

And BELIEVE IT OR NOT, our cat has a bird figurine collection! :lol: It started with our old cat and after he passed away, she inherited the collection. At first it was meant as a joke with the first cat and just snowballed into a fairly good sized collection. They are kept at eye level and both cats have been allowed to lay or walk in between the birds. After all it's there collection! They don't play with them and have never broke any! They have both rubbed up against the figurines but have always been very cautious about doing so. My stuff on the other hand is always at risk! :?
Well, I try to not collect so much stuff so i dont have clutter.

I collect Old Mopar things from the 1990s, So i geuss it would be Slo-Par.
I have some Dodge Dynasty Manuals and whatnot-Brochures. I try to keep things related to the dynasty somehow.

Wall art. I have a vintage BF goodrich poster from 1984, A Kramer "Painting" and some Dodge Dynasty build sheets...

I Collect DVDs and My video games, i dont like to sell them...I sold a couple...i regret that.

Apple Computers, which im selling off. Too much to keep around.
hey awsome collections......i collect pin up art and old cars, old cigarette ads, old records, guitars, and up right bass....and balloners :D :p 8)
I was really hoping Gotavan would jump at this thread.

The guy's got some of the coolest collectibles I've ever seen! If he doesn't post, you ALL are missing some great stuff! I'll try to get ahold of him soon.
I collect records, almost any I can find from 50's to early 90's, some of them are Ozzy, Megadeth, Billie Idol, and so on, I like all kinds of music.
LOTS of stuff. Vintage Garden Tractors (Mostly Simplicity and Allis Chalmers), Vintage Engines, Knives, Mini Bikes, License Plates, and whatever I can get cheap :lol:

MarksA-C said:
LOTS of stuff. Vintage Garden Tractors (Mostly Simplicity and Allis Chalmers), Vintage Engines, Knives, Mini Bikes, License Plates, and whatever I can get cheap :lol:

thats one bad ass lookin tractor . i have a bolens from the 70's that id like to fix up just havent had the money
Collections, Well I have ADD so I've collected a lot of things over the years.
I certainly collect anything bicycle, I have about 75 to 80 bikes, @5 and adding License plates and about 2tons of parts.I sold about 200 a couple of years ago.

Die cast cars, signs, tools, Advertisement pens and pencils,Small houses, coins, currency, advertisement and vacation locations.
I collected bricks for years built 5 patios in the back yard and a walkway down the side of house. I have a lot of architectural pieces around the house and yard.

When I first moved in my house I had a few cars(2 trucks, 4cars), had to sell them my nice neighbors keep calling the city on me.
My wife and I tend to rise other peoples kids now and take in the pets of those wayward kids(6 or 7 kids and 3 dogs).

So I'm thinking about selling abunch of stuff, anyone for a kid or two.
Okay, this is going to sound really weird but I collect the actual words cut out of the paper of the way people say their loved one died or passed away in the local obituaries. I don't collect the entire obituary; I only cut out the way they say the phrase "died" or "moved on" or "passed away" or "entered into eternal peace" or whatever.

I have well over four hundred of them. I tape them onto sheets of paper in columns, three columns to a page. I do the front and back of each page. I currently have 6 pages, front and back of them.
Some of the more recent entrees may help you understand what I'm talking about:

This person didn't die, he "was taken by the Angel of Silence".

This guy didn't die either, he "lost his long battle with a blood disorder".

And this lady didn't die, she "transitioned to her new home".

I live in an area with a lot of military so a lot of them relate to the Navy:
"reported to his final duty station" or "stood his final roll call with the supreme commander-in-chief" or "took his final flight" or "departed on his final Naval voyage" or "flew his last mission" or "joined his comrades on Heaven's shores", etc.

Some of them are more graphic. This guy didn't die, he "stepped in front of a vehicle"! Dang! And this other guy "ended his secret battle". That's weird! And this guy "lost his life in a snow skiing accident". Ouch!

And this one always surprises me whenever I scroll back to read it. He "died in an auto accident. Tubby met death head on, just as he had lived his life." I often wonder if the writer meant that he died in a head on collision!

Anyway, I have hundreds and hundreds of them. From "was sticken with West Nile and never recovered" to "went to the great fishing hole in the sky".

I keep looking for a "pedaled his balloon tire bike through the pearly gates" but that just might end up being mine!
vibr8shun said:
Pudge,Pudge,Pudge....YOU by far have the most interesting collection I have heard of. It got me thinking of what mine would be :mrgreen:
Dude, coming from Hawaii you definitely should be "lei'd to rest"!!! :mrgreen:

(...enter the sound of screeching tires here as the thread takes a sharp turn in an entirely different direction!.....)
I collect Coca-Cola "stuff" cans, bottles, and other merch. I have a nice collection of reptiles as well. Once collected "band" t-shirts from shows I attended, ticket stubs from all the concerts I've been to. Long ago I collected sports cards (still have them). Also collected comics for awhile (still have them too). I still collect guitars but recently I downsized that collection to pay rent :cry:
Other than that I'm too busy to do much else.

edit: I realized while reading other posts on here and gazing at my cds that I forgot the 600 of them in the other room! I collect cds, and vinyl. A wide variety of music styles.

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