Some people are just jerks!!

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May 17, 2011
Reaction score
Waco, TX
Rating - 100%
3   0   0
IT was nice yesterday morning and my son was asleep, so I decided to take a short bike ride up to the post office. Well as I was riding up there my chain broke (link just snapped, have to look into that later). So I walked my bike home (as I said it was a nice day). On the way some guy in a Chevy pickup decided it would be cute to pretend to try to run me over. he saw me well over 200 yards away and the speed limit is 30. As he approached he just kept creeping towards my side until finally I got completely into the ditch. Unfortunately I did not get a license plate number, but the 2 cars behind him were just as puzzled as I was.

Has anything like this happened to you guys or do I just attract a mean sort of person. Has any one intentionally or pretended to run you over.
In my town they just passed a law giving bikers a 4 foot buffer when passing. Me personally, I would have picked up the bike and threw it at his windshield, then let him explain to the police why he was getting so close to you.
Too bad you didn't have a screwdriver in your pocket. If you had held it out like you were going to trash his paint job I think he would have moved over.
carry some ballbearings in your pocket, when cars get to close drop a few on the pavement they bounce up into grill or windshield :mrgreen:
Some people are just mean and stupid for no reason. I guess the worst I have ever had was years ago I was on a bicycle tour in northern Wisconsin. It was on a country road in the middle of no where, I looked up and saw a semi truck coming down the road towards me in his lane. I did not think much about it until a minute later I hear this loud noise and look up and this idiot had crossed the road and was heading for me in my lane and forced off into the ditch.
Now why would somebody do this I have no idea other then like I said before some people are just mean and stupid. I have over the years while road riding kicked a few car doors and smacked a couple of car windows with a bike pump before when people have crowded me off to the side of the road. ( I was a lot younger then ). I would think twice about doing that now. But I think about all the good people that I have met that always out weigh the bad people out there. So keep riding and have fun.
When I bicycle commuted for work, I used to occasionally get someone who would get right next to me, then honk to startle me. Seriously, some thought it hilarious. Once I threw a rock at their truck in response and took off down an alley. Boy did that wipe the smiles off their faces!
Wow man, it's a good thing your alright.

I just saw video on tv a minute ago that some people were riding their bicycles then some woman comes along does afew things then runs over the guys foot and then started driving over anyone else in her way.
A few years ago I was riding on the wide shoulder of a road. Then a jeep came by and the people in there started screaming at me. No words just screaming. The shoulder is like 3 feet large and I was in there so there was no reasons other than scaring me to do this. I've heard that some idiots have done that to other people that have fell off their bikes. Scary.
I was riding home from work about 4 months ago in a designated bike lane and was hit from behind. Their mirror hit me in the left elbow. They never stopped. They had to know they hit me cause the mirror folded back and made a loud noise when it hit the car. I am positive that it was done intentionaly.

Two blocks up a see a police cruiser and reported it with a description of the vehicle, they never found them.

But my town is not that big and I remember the silver dodge minivan and check everyone of them for marks from the mirror that folded back.

they will be sorry.
I saw the video. That driver is crazy in the head. Good thing that the bus driver and the other driver blocked him. I know some people don't like cyclist but it's not a reason to try and kill them.
I think it kinda comes with the territory, or at least the bikes we ride. A majority of bikes on the road are either WalMart or Specializeds but mostly are mountain bikes. To most, the bikes we ride are "different" than most and you know how thems don't take kindly to no "different" bikes. I just remember that when a driver thinks they are being cute and wanna try to bulley me on my bike, they have a 2000lb weight advantage on me if I decided to retaliate or play their little game so I try to just remember how awesome it is to be into the old bikes that we all love and just ask myself... What would Sheldon (Brown) do? :lol:
Pedals or motor, just assume they either don't see or care about you, or are actively unfriendly, 'cause those statements are sometimes true. :( Better to be pleasantly surprised by the dozen good drivers than unpleasantly by the other two or three. :x :roll:
The best use of your cel phone (whether you have a camera or not) is to stop, whip around with the camera pointed at the car/truck license plate and take a picture (or pretend to). I can't tell you how many people I've gotten to slow down on the street just by taking a picture of them driving too fast. If enough of them end up getting calls from the local PD about speeding complaints, or cyclist complaints, they'll change their approach. The other thing is to file complaints with your local PD. Yes it is a pain, but if enough of us file complaints against threatening drivers, maybe the PD or the local bureaucrats will take some action. Don't wait until a white bike appears in your neighborhood without a rider!