Storage building

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Naw the yellow brick road only goes to my shop. I doubt if I will be spending much
time going to my shed,plus I used most all the yellow bricks on the last one.
Rockit my middle brother, Rat Rod's dad ,said why didn't I post it as stretching my shop. He figured
it would have gone with my theme in life. :lol:

Really Scrumblero you could buy the metal and bolt together a frame using drill stem
and make a nice storage that would be twice as strong as that one.
I didnt think about tin stud! we can only use it for interior walls here... and sheds !!

materials are expensive here tho, i would bet just the sheeting and siding would be close to $500

:: just looked , $30 for 1/2 CDX I'd need at least 20 sheets... :roll:
We have a bunch of old drill stem that they sell cheap. Its really thick. I was
going to sink 6 in the ground and weld some sideways and build my shed out of them. Covered
with white tin wouldn't have looked bad. Would have been fast and cheap.
My wife decided I needed to do it this way.
Well I got door. Worked pretty good , I had a lockset from somewhere and that was cheap.

you did it the right way. looks good.

I built my own 8x12 too.
I figured it ran me about $1400.00.
It's way better than the $4000 sheds I see on the Home Depot and Lowe's lots.
Sweat well spent IMHO.
I will probably be getting close to that when I'm done. Still have lots of trimming
and then paint. Its alot of work to get done in 5 days. I'm going to kinda cruise a little today
and let some of the stuff that hurts take a rest. Not much rush now its pretty well dried
in so if it rains it should be fine.
Its funny all the lag bolts I used in the bottom joists make it look kinda frankensteinish. :shock:
I need to get you to come up here and build me one.

I'll supply the Twinkies and the Westerns. :lol:
Your dad can build as good as me, and he comes up there all the time anyway.
Just stack up a bunch of wood , and show him where it is when he gets there.
I do miss my twinkies. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Actually, what I'd really like is a car port and to have my fence built all the way around my driveway out back with an electric gate opener.

That's about $10,000 worth of fun I can't afford.
Lets see my Grandfather ....your greatgrand father always said you can wish in one hand and hummm
how did that go. Well it was something about wishing :shock: :shock: :shock:
Yeah boy you need to be on the lookout for a few more early model Sting Ray's :lol: :lol:

Well I needed to cover my one gable. The only good thing about living close to the gulf is
after the hurricanes blow down everything , the insurance builds all new fences. I picked
up a bunch of cedar fence boards. So I decided that I could make my own clapboard siding.
Oh well its cedar and free so it looks good to me. A few more trim pieces and I'm done...well paint too.
Thanks Clancy. Its was all kinda bowed towards the middle and it fit each other really good.
The bad thing its looking so good inside I hate to violate it with old dirty bike parts. I'm about ready to throw all the parts in a dumpster and make me a MAN CAVE!....its the perfect size for a really cool hammock and a 5' big screen tv. I already picked out a place for my fridge. There is a sewer line capped within 5 feet of it. I had it installed when I built my house.
Capped it and never used it. Water is close too. A small half bath would be killer. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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