I build stuff.
I was looking through my junk yesterday and I pulled out a nice 1 piece crank off the old GT BMX I was given. The chainring is a 2 piece alloy unit, a disc inside and then the chainring outside. The bike was run over at some point and the chainring has a slight bend in it.
I don't have a vice with a wide jaw to try to bend it back, but it's so slight a bend that I'm afraid if I tried that I might bend it into an "S" shape.
Anyway, I dropped it by a friend with a press at work and he is going to try to sandwich it flat, but will the alloy just spring back when the press is opened or stay flat?
No matter what happens, the ring was unusable as is, so any attempt to fix it won't hurt it.
I don't have a vice with a wide jaw to try to bend it back, but it's so slight a bend that I'm afraid if I tried that I might bend it into an "S" shape.
Anyway, I dropped it by a friend with a press at work and he is going to try to sandwich it flat, but will the alloy just spring back when the press is opened or stay flat?
No matter what happens, the ring was unusable as is, so any attempt to fix it won't hurt it.