Re: Stretched Murray cantilever > Name change and update pics
Thanks for all the opinions. The guard is starting to grow on me, but I think part of what makes the guard look out of place is the contrast of the angular front of the guard itself with the curved cutouts of the chainring... I think that the current chainring will be swapped for sure... I'm liking it less and less, and I think I've decided upon making a new guard, a much rounder and fuller guard to replace the current one. I like the way the rear of this one sweeps up... I will definitely hold onto the current one if the second does not come out better, but I have a feeling that the second is going to look a thousand times better. As for the chainring: to follow the solid, smooth style of the bike I think I will run one that has not cutouts or designs... does such a chainring exist? I thought that yeshoney had one for sale a while back, in chrome, too... hopefully I can find one, I think it would really go well with the bike.