Not done with the bike yet, just wanted to see how it rides after being brought back to life. It really rides super smooth and cushy with the springer seat and fork!!! Almost done...
And that's a wrap! 22days start to finish. This was so much fun and I love what I built. I found a ton of cool period parts of all different makes for the 1946 Huffman frame. I understand I didnt do custom paint or a ton fabrication and have a rusty frame. But I did a decent amount of work in a small amount of time working 12hr shifts all week and with a 5 month old and a 6 year old to hang out with after work. I did however install one more thing I have never seen done. You'll see that in my photo shoot this week...
WOW that saddle is bad to the bone!!!!
All of the parts of this bike are flowing together so well. Love the tank lettering! This is one killer rat man!!! May be one of my faves now!
Ok, I can't wait to show you guys so I'll just share my last surprise with you now. For my last trick and to add the wow factor to my build I give you, green led lighting in the fenders and chainguard. I think it's pretty cool and Ive never seen this done before. I figured since I have the battery power for the headlight and taillight, why not.