Swing Monster Bike (videos p.5)

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Re: Swing Monster Bike (gearbox manufacturing p.3)

Brilliant! Incredible! Inspiring!

It's obvious you're intelligent, talanted, and artistic with fantastic vision.

Makes most of us (me) look like amateurs. My hat is off to you Sir.

Thank you for sharing your plans and how to's.

This thread is another example of why this forum is powerfull.

Great job to everyone who contributes.

We are all truly blessed.
Re: Swing Monster Bike (gearbox manufacturing p.3)

thank you guys!

I am also an amateur like you, it took me months to design the gearbox.

I only draw inspiration from things exist and I do not do all the machining operations.
I am not yet on the reliability and it is possible that I am forced to make adjustments!

I'm waiting for the moment the chain and bearings in order to continue the installation (it should come this week)

normally the mechanism will be apparent in a Plexiglas box if strong enough
Re: swing monster bike

champx said:

Nice work. I'm really diggin' that laced chainwheel. I've been wanting to put one together ever since seeing this one:

Re: Swing Monster Bike (gearbox manufacturing p.3)

That is some nice gearing but I would have used the spoke chainring and save the gear box thing for a bike with motor due to the weight difference.
Re: Swing Monster Bike (gearbox manufacturing p.3)

the spoke chainring will be used on the single-arm bamboo bike :wink:

manufacture of casings:
machining the bearing seats and cutting pieces of pmma

machining of the inside

housings before polishing

fork selection of speed

Re: Swing Monster Bike (gearbox manufacturing p.3)


I really like the clear housing to see them! For some reason I thought you'd put that beautiful fist of gnashing gears all exposed and out in the open, but then again I just got done putting a brake lever right next to my crank so that there would be a 'really cool' potential danger of buzzsaw-age every time I tried to stop ...dont listen to me lol :roll:
Re: Swing Monster Bike (gearbox manufacturing p.3)

I make housing to be able to put oil to be able to lubricate the entire system

there will be oil in the bottom and is the largest sprocket that will bring the oil up on the axis
Re: Swing Monster Bike (gearbox manufacturing p.3)

That's just gorgeous. I want one to hang on my wall... Make sure you have it sealed up nice and tight though or else you're going to have a big oily mess once things get spinning. Beautiful though. :mrgreen: