Tell us what ticks you off..

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What ticks me off:

The fact that my father takes in his car to get his air conditioning fixed at a local fix-em-up shop. His car remains clean and perfect, as it was when it was taken in.

So being the awesome father that he is he takes my car in to get mine fixed also, For my birthday Taking a week to be finished. The mechanic, of course is allways covered in grease. When i came in mid week to see what he was doing he had the parts from my dash all over the car...he had his GREASY hands all over everything explaining what was going on.

So the cars done, blowing cold air out of the vents that never really worked(vaccum problem...came out of floor and defrostors, not panel) Im driving it home appreciating the air, I notice a scratch in the dash, no big deal...might have been there before. A few days later i notice a bigger gash, I KNOW FOR SURE was not there before, to some its not that big, but me being sort of picky...its big. A few more days pass, i notice a burn mark from soddering on the thinking, this guy couldnt tell me any of this? And its definatly too late to go in and complain
This all happend around July 9th

So im driving home about 5 days ago when my blower motor goes out( was the original)
I take it in, praying they dont do anything bad. Its fixed and finished the next day. I get the car pulled around for me, and i get in and start driving home. Not noticing everything since i was paying attention to the air. The only thing i did notice was a pink dust on the seat, i assumed it was lint from the towel...I start noticing more, The carpet near where he worked has one huge black spot on it, i assumed it was mud from the guys boots...I was wrong...notice a spot of grease on the seat, i start flipping out, Notice another glob near the drivers seat, Another on the passnger...but that was more of a stripe...fingerprints all over the dash ETC. ETC.

Me and my dad both figured this guy didnt give a care, Since "its just a kid's car, its a P.O.S." It may look like it at some points...but it really isnt. I take it in the same day complaining, they say they will take care of it...this was 2 days ago, So i take it back in and they clean 2 spots and leave everything else....

I gave up and cleaned the rest my my carpet and seat have a pink hue, and theres 2 grease spots on my carpet not big...but i see it.....I see it

My dad didnt do much, i dont blame him
Bicycle-wise, other than parts that don't work, this is what gets under my skin (Yes, I admit it's petty and no, it's really not that big of a deal to me, but you asked :mrgreen: ):

The Cycle-chic/Dutch bike fad.

Let me state clearly that I think the bikes are in fact very cool, and biking as everyday transportation is a very good thing to promote BUT what grates on my nerves is how more than a few proponents of this movement are determined to wage ideological warfare on the rest of the cycling world. Look At Me! I wear high heels/a suit & tie while riding my bike! I'm better than you! You wear lycra??!! O-M-F-G!! You're the enemy of cycling and all that's good and true and wholesome etc etc...

Maybe I exaggerate a bit, but this holier-than-thou attitude is not hard to find in the "cycle chic" world.

Don't get me wrong, I really like Dutch bikes, but the idea that this one style of bike and those who ride them (with the appropriate fashionable clothes) occupy an exclusive moral high ground is utterly ridiculous.


-Most people I work with
-The Washington State Department of Natural Resources (where I work)
-Fire (as a wildland firefighter, sometimes it just won't go out! Even days later! After it's been raining for days! Argh! Stupid fire.)
People who take whatever genre of bicycling they choose too seriously and frown on other genre's. As far as I'm concerned, as long as your riding what you like, that's great. I'm own cruisers, a mountain bike, a bmx, English 3 speeds, an old road bike and customs. I love it all. I'm saving my dough to buy a new super light road bike-wanna do some serious miles.
The thing that ticks me off most of all is taxes and the Gov't. feeling they can spend MY money better than me. :x :x :x :x :x I like Facebook. Awesome place to find old friends and also discuss and debate politics.
Living this close to D.C., I thank the Almighty we don't discuss politics here, because NOTHING TICKS ME OFF MORE THAN POLITICIANS.
Well I don't consider griping about taxes to be discussing politics myself. But there are some politicians who really tick me off! And thats all I'm gonna say here. Anyone who'd like to talk politics with me can look up Doug Chapman on facebook and submit a friend request. The worst you'll get from me in a political discussion is a respectful, possibly sarcastic but always friendly disagreement. I personally enjoy talking politics.
smart butt employees when i ask questions at a store. today i went into my lbs looking for a kickstand pin for my '64 schwinn twinn tandem. i ask him if they have any or anything that would work and as he walks out to look at it he say in a real smart butt way "well u shouldnt have taken it off in the first place". i kinda thought what the heck? i guess i shouldnt bring u business in this tough economy (not that that would cost much but im in there alot) but i let it slide and told him how i just bought it last month and it was out when i got it. he brought it up again a few minutes later and i got kinda irritated and made sure he heard me this time that i got it that way. just rude people in general are one of my pet peeves. and when people put the toilet paper on so it rolls backwards towards the wall. :D weird i know. haha
I had this happen to me today on the Erie Canal Bikeway. I was riding my bicycle with an old fashion bell. I came up behind 2 joggers side by side taking up the whole 5 foot wide gravel path. I was about 30 feet behind them when I rang the bell, once. They were startled and got out of the way, but the male jogger said "You did not have to do that" as I was passing.
Now is it my fault for ringing the bell and give warning that I would like to pass or theirs for hogging the whole roadbed?
No cars on mars said:
I had this happen to me today on the Erie Canal Bikeway. I was riding my bicycle with an old fashion bell. I came up behind 2 joggers side by side taking up the whole 5 foot wide gravel path. I was about 30 feet behind them when I rang the bell, once. They were startled and got out of the way, but the male jogger said "You did not have to do that" as I was passing.
Now is it my fault for ringing the bell and give warning that I would like to pass or theirs for hogging the whole roadbed?

This goes back to it's " all about me syndrome" did nothing wrong the joggers should be more observant ...but its apparent they don't care..

Next time do what I do come up behind them and lock up the brakes and almost hit them...when they get all pissy you tell them they are blocking the whole path :lol: ..I would be a nice guy but nobody gets out of the way or tries to use half the path...BUT ME.
No cars on mars said:
WhiteShadow said:
greg66 said:

thank you so much

Are these the vents that were like on Buick years ago, but somehow been transfered over to the HHR's.

stick on, no real purpose
driving down the road doing the speed limit, and the guy in front decides to STOP to let the squirrel safely cross the road.... :?: :?: :?: