Tell us what ticks you off..

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At the DMV. Do I need to go on?

We were there today again to get my teenager's restricted license, after several visits lasting 2 hours each just to tell her she needed some other documentation. Today, they turned her away again saying she needed her birth certificate. I must have been ticked off, because I yelled across the room "You're already in the system!" They knew she already had produced all those documents, the examiner lady was just an old grouch. She has a reputation there. Everyone stopped what they were doing and my daughter walked backed over and showed her ID.

25 minutes later we walked out, her with her restricted license. Now she can drive, leaving me more time to hunt for bikes.

Looks like the only way to get the government to listen is to yell anymore. Courteous talk would have me taking time off for yet another visit to the DMV.
When you live a rock throw from a beautiful lake that smells like sewage, welcome to my delema, they say the lake is full of Hydrilla is a plant life that chokes everything from what I understand but to swim in it makes you itch, yet I still see people swimming in it all the time, grouse!! and on the east end it looks like pea soup :x
Here is what ticks me OFF!

burnt popcorn
non-open minded people
friends who think I am crazy for going to church
road bikers not giving my bike creations any credit
Lance Armstrong - great rider but sorry attitude
rich guys that don't know a piston from a spark plug
harley riders not waving to me on my little yamaha
spoiled kids
ricers giving imports a bad name
customers who come in the store and talk on the phone
sports players and actors getting paid to much money
Penn Jillette
flat tires

that should name a few......haha
jaydub said:
I hate when People from Craig's List make an appointment to come see an item that you have for sale and then don't show up..
Nothing but wasted time..
Oh man!!! Here's one of my Craig's List experiences...
I was selling a motorcycle on CL a while back, and was even selling it dirt cheap so I could unload it quick, like within one week. $500 bucks for a running, riding, full dress Honda CX500. Should've been able to sell quick, right? It was a total joke, and it even started turning into a little experiment/betting pool between me and some friends, trying to guess how many flakes I would get. I saved each and every e-mail and made up a tally. Here's the official rundown:

Time it took to sell - 91 days
Total e-mails, NOT including the scammers - 226
Offers to swap stupid .... like an X box or a rusty Chevy Celebrity - 38
People who e-mailed asking if it was still available, even though it says "YES it is still available!" right in the ad - 141
Idiot lowball offers, like 50 or 100 bucks - 66
People who wanted me to hold it for them - 46
People who wanted to make payments - 45
People who wanted me to deliver it to them for free - 59
Scam e-mails - 61
Hot, horny local girls who wanted to get together with me - 14
People who said it was a Harley, not a Honda - 2
People who set up a time to come look and never showed - 40
People who set up a time to come look and actually showed up - 3
don-vee said:
jaydub said:
I hate when People from Craig's List make an appointment to come see an item that you have for sale and then don't show up..
Nothing but wasted time..
Oh man!!! Here's one of my Craig's List experiences...
I was selling a motorcycle on CL a while back, and was even selling it dirt cheap so I could unload it quick, like within one week. $500 bucks for a running, riding, full dress Honda CX500. Should've been able to sell quick, right? It was a total joke, and it even started turning into a little experiment/betting pool between me and some friends, trying to guess how many flakes I would get. I saved each and every e-mail and made up a tally. Here's the official rundown:

Hot, horny local girls who wanted to get together with me - 14

Not to bad :lol:
In the craigslist world, I'm pretty sure "hot, horny local girls" is code for fat, hairy 40 year old dudes in pee-stained underwear sitting in front of the computer eating beef-a-roni.
I'm starting to not get apehangers on pretty much anything nowadays. Now there's something that ticks me off, kool stuff that gets overdone so I end up not really diggin' it anymore.
don-vee said:
I'm starting to not get apehangers on pretty much anything nowadays. Now there's something that ticks me off, kool stuff that gets overdone so I end up not really diggin' it anymore.
Wait a minute! I just made a 26 inch bicycle with apes, banana seat and sissy bar. I made it because I can not ride most 20 inch bicycles. Knees.
Oh, believe me, I still dig apes. I have several bikes with 'em. But, you gotta admit, some of these bikes with, like, 3 foot apes on them are a bit much.
stretch said:
those are ridiculous. im cool cuz my bars are so tall they hit street lights. :roll:

Kinda like this?
Rustinkerer said:
Kyle Busch! Can't stand his arrogance and un-sportsmanlike behavior! It'sALWAYS somebody else's fault!! I watch races mostly to see him NOT WIN!!!! :lol:

Can't stand him..when he wins that Ticks me off...and I am starting to dislike the 20 car too..something about that Gibbs crew :wink:
Gold Street Customs said:
Arnold The Governator, My wife has direct deposit with her respite job and it didn't get deposited today so she calls and the regional center she works for was told to freeze payroll until further notice.... :x
Did you Californians ever get your tax refunds?

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