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Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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Bike wise, the fact that I cant get white tires here, and all new bike parts come from china, the cheapest part of china. :x

MLB shop dosent ship merchandising to Uruguay, so I cant get the Red Sox cap I wanted for the last 10 years, I hate the fact that my dear friend Fabian is been to Boston 3 times in the last 5 years and wont bring me the cap, he has one, he enjoys the fact that I don't. :cry:
Being broke.

I don't mean "Can't afford parts for my bike" broke, I mean "Empty refrigerator and cupboards,running out of sugar,running on fumes in my truck,minimal light usage in my house" broke.

Oh,and being laid off from a job I've had for ten years because the CEO who took it over from her died-under-mysterious-circumstances husband didn't really know a thing about the business, and let personal um, "stuff" get in the way,getting as petty as possible,therefore resulting in the (at one time VERY reputable business-like Schwinn ) go under,so I'm now "without a net"....

I just turned 41 yesterday.

....but,like a great man once said, and sang: "I'm 41 today,still goin' on 22"

...and I still won't sell my Sting-Ray.

Don't even get me started on my ex.

Thanks for reading.

republicans & democrats
corporate welfare
profiling by police
people that dump dogs in the country
reality TV shows
people that believe it's what you look like, not who you are
planned obsolescence
digital TV
people who think ebay auction prices are the guide to pricing things
people who are "fixin" to do something, but never get to it.
people who don't live up to their word
junk mail
sales calls
the black hole that my stuff keeps falling into

there's a whole lot more, but to keep this
G rated we'll stop where we're at....

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People who paint over a near perfect factory paint on a vintage bike,
People who scrap a nice barnfind bike
People who spend $8,000 on a bicycle then look down on my $10 yard sale cruiser.
People on Craigslist who post a $79 wal-mart bike for $150
People on Craigslist that reply to a bike I posted for $10 and ask if I can hold it for 2 weeks till they get paid.
People who break glass in the alley for no reason.
people on craigslist in general
people in general
flat tires
yard art bikes
People who stop not behind the white line but in the middle of the crosswalk
People who stop in said crosswalk when you are halfway through and get mad when you bunny hop onto their hood to avoid injury. :mrgreen:
People who laugh when I ride my bike out of the scrapyard with all 3 bike trailers loaded...Yes I tow three trailers with one bike.
spandex :?
People who take a good road bike, rip the derailleurs off, throw on a bmx cog and call it a "fixie"
Fixie in general and most people associated with fixie, especially when dressed in spandex
People who post last year's walmart Huffy as "Vintage"
People on Craigslist who post a bike with no picture and just say "Bike $10 call for details" Waste of time
People who ask Mint price for Rusty junk.
Anyone who says a Rat Rod is just rusty junk.
American picker pricing.
Being broke when a $50 Yamaha Moto-bike pops up on Craigslist.
Being broke in general.
Watching 10 minutes of show and 20 minutes of commercials for every half hour of TV.
Lawyers (enough said)
Not being able to find anything MADE IN USA.
Anything that reads Made in China
Bike thieves
Government in general
Every gas station being owned by.....well you get the picture.
Gas prices
People who believe carbon fiber is stronger than steel, I'd kick my '50's Schwinn down 15 flights of stairs and ride it away at the bottom. Care to try that with your carbon fiber bike?


Fat out of shape cops
My Job.
I deliver flowers. Sounds friendly right? I drive the most dangerous vehicles ever, because i'm not going to put milage on my own car. They supply theirs, which should not be on the road.

I quit Saturday. I got the news Monday that they're closing down. :mrgreen:

Friday, I was driving their fantastic 95-98 Ford explorer (rolled over in an accident, but they got it going again!). I was on a delivery on 8mile, and the car decided not to start. I sat in some guys driveway for about 45 minutes waiting for a phone call, telling me they're picking me up. No, I get a call from my boss, who tells me to jiggle all of the wires under the hood. :shock:

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