Tell us what ticks you off..

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What sticks in my craw
People who stop in the middle of the grocery isle.
people who stop at yield signs.
People who blow through yield signs.
People who turn from the main driving lane, not the turning lane.
floaters in the toilet.
My cat.
My cat at 2am.
My cat at 4:30am.
The stray cat who used to tick my cat off by walking by our windows at night.
My cat who doesnt know how to cover her turds.
The lady who yells at her dog louder than the dog is barking at 7:30 am
The yelled at dog who sneaks into my back yard to "back one out".
That lady's dogs turds in my back yard.
The (now dead) mutant Pigeon who poops like a moose onto my car no matter were I park it.
The squirrel gang ripping my yard furniture to shreds
Edit: Twilight and anything that has a man acting like anything other than a man.

Limited Remedy:
Crosman 1377C pellet pistol with a Blue Fork Design machined front site and one aftermarket 3" dovetailed machined receiver replacing the plastic one. Add a sweet scope and a Crosman stock, shooting hollow point. My next Upgrade will be a silenced 15" heavy barrel and some wood furniture.
My inspiration comes from here.

The Pigeon is gone forever.
The Stray cats fear my house now.
The squirrel gang has been thinned out.
The dog runs just by seeing me down the street.

Not just in Texas! I'm a squirrel hater too! I don't hunt nor will I shoot anything else, but when those Tree Rats get in my bird feeder they face my wrath! It's awesome that I've become a member of the food chain in my back yard. I shoot the squirrels and then the foxes come around at night and get them from under my bird feeder! It's great! I used to have to dig holes to bury my carnage but now me and Mr. Fox have a relationship! Unfortunately, now we have the fattest foxes in the neighborhood hanging around... and I'm sure some have chipped teeth from biting into that unexpected pellet!

Shooting is great fun that takes some skill. I don't hit my target every time. My feeder is a good distance from my favorite shooting location - my kitchen window! No sense in leaving the comfort of the air conditioning if you don't have to! Just slowly open the window a few inches and slide the barrel out a little, line up your sites, and ka-plick! I used to count my kills but lost track when I got up into the seventies. They must make great fertilizer; I've buried them everywhere in my yard and all my plants are doing great! Anyway, I pay the price for a missed shot so I really try to get off a good shot. Here's a few pics of my misses!: (Note that it's completely empty. I can only put a day's worth of seed in it every morning. The raccoons come late at night and lick it clean.)

Guys what happened over a year and no posts! Now that ticks me off!!! Just kidding.... :D

So my beep of a beep neighbours kids are always tossing their crap on my property, and the other day one of the toddlers tosses a burnt sock in my yard. Well after letting all that other crap slide, this time i was pissed! went to the door and she flat out denies the whole thing. Said it was not possible, "I only have toddlers home so theres no way it could be one of mine" the nerve of some people!
NOW that ticks me OFF!!!!!! :x :x :x

Oh! get this she took the sock when i handed it to her. HA!

thx had to vent
Colds in the summer.
Seeing a boatload of "Schwinn Stingrays" for sale on Craigslist,only to find that they're OCC Stingrays.
Losing a job I've had for almost 11 years (company went under),without so much as a "Thank You"
People that ride bikes in a way that re-enforces all of the negative stereotypes about riders.
Doing the right thing-because it's the right thing to do-only to have it completely turned on you.
Summer colds.
Being too hot to ride until nightfall......only to have the storms arrive.
People using the word "vintage" to jack up prices on parts or complete bikes.
How about when your kid tells you they would rather have a cheapo wally world BMX bike ( because the neighbor kids all have one) instead of the old school Sting-Ray you're building for them. SHEEESH!!!
hey mike ...just build em an old school bike ...they will likeit boy pulled that crap now he has about 7 bikes ...only one wally world bike ....
chaffed legs tick me off ... :D
Things living in my garage
Things living in my yard
People who walk by my truck and take a LONG look at whats inside it (Nothing in the truck, but I am watching you...) :shock:
The neighbors Dog barking all night
The smell of dog crap all the time
My neighbor and his dog!
People listing a Junk walmart bike as VINTAGE!!!
Mindless fanboys making fun of me driving a Ford.
Being stuck on the wrong side of the atlantic watching you guys buying, then parting out bikes I'd give my left one for... (and maybe the right one too) for a nice 50's ballooner :(
When you get a scratch on your freshley painted frame.
When your decals bubble.
When your bike falls over :shock:
Toyota's in NASCAR.
Dirtbiking laws.
Losing :cry:
People who say "You should have done this" when they ask about your bike.
Modern music.
People who think the rules don't apply to them. The guy w/ the turn signal left on. People who think there better then everybody else. Rich folk. Politicans.
slow. just the whole concept makes me sick. people walking slow, riding slow, driving slow, just pisses me off.
bike related- just went through this experience. bought myself a fathers day gift on ebay Deluxe model Spaceliner listed as $75.00 shipping Chicago to the east coast. requested seller to insure the bike and charge me for it. UPS fee was around $150 for shipping 86 pounds,oversize,and $300.00 insurance to NJ. The box was left without a signature.The box bottom was torn open. The bike was packed upside down with a lot of damage,and parts missing .more than $300.00 I filed a damage claim with UPS and the inspector came.But here is the catch. UPS pays the shipper,not the receiver.In this case the bike was shipped from a UPS store,so the UPS store is the shipper and receives the claim payment.The seller refused to pay me back,and Paypal refused to pay me. now that's enough to tick the Good Humor Man off !
1) People that stop in the middle of the isle, whether its the grocery or the parts store. MOVE OVER!

2) I can't find a job. I want to move to Minneapolis or Denver, but how? No one will hire me! I can only keep at it I guess.
I am deeply saddened and ticked off by the ignorant, misplaced anger empty-headed wing nuts spout. The poor & disadvantaged are always targets, blamed for society's ills. Does WalMart really need tax breaks to build new stores? Do we need to end Medicare to control spending? Do the rich really need tax breaks to generate jobs? Based on the current tax breaks there should be a labor shortage! The poor, unemployed and under-employed are not the cause of our problems. They are only symptoms of the real problems. It's always easy to blame victims, while the rich prosper, and even the middle class begins to suffer.