The Conundrum

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I still remember those cool springers you had on the rear end of Schwindian.


I don't know how I missed your build! I think I got lost in all the pics. :lol: :lol: For those of you who don't know, Judd & I like to wait till the last minute for everything. I will probably be the last to finish. GTB Bro! :mrgreen:
So far I've done less than you Pick. Does that mean I am winning?
Actually been working way to much lately. Even had to work through the holiday.
I will still be building a bike though. Maybe get started after Independance Day. :D
I guess technically, you are winning. I better slow down the pace a little. Not sure if I can go any slower, just too much going on around here lately. I will finish on the last day. Can't wait to see what you come up with this time! 8)
I worked really hard at trying to get over this horrible cough that has been robbing me and everyone in my house of sleep. But that is really all I did.
kingfish254 said:
Hey buddy, are you feeling better?
Spreading myself too thin these days. Thinking about selling my bike I was going to use for this to porkchopped. I was planning on customizing my rain city chopper. Even if I felt good I would only have about a weekend if cumulative time to finish. We will see how it pans out. Time will tell.
pick said:
Get on it buddy! Plenty of time left.
I finally have a day off! Got started this morning parts are blasted and primed. i will post pics tonight. Thanks for the encouragement Pick! 8)

Sandblasting what used to be the Schwindian (thats right, its dead)

Making twins


I didnt have a 20" guard so i cut a 26" guard and fabbed a bracket

Polishing chrome, waiting on paint to dry.

Moved indoors started assembly. Then took the Mrs. out for dinner and drinks.
That's all for now. I will try to tell the story of why I am doing this tomorrow. I think its a cool story. Stay tuned. 8)
Sometime around last years buildoff I got a Redline Rain City Chopper. I had big dreams of building it into this wild 70s chopp with fat whites, heavy flake, and an insane amount of chrome doodads. Well I got busy with work blah blah blah. Then I designed a t shirt for my uncle, which got me thinking about my childhood. Which made me think of bikes. Anyway, my uncle had this wicked orange stingray when i was young. I ususlly spent summers at the grandparents house. He had taken his stingray apart and never put it back together, so I did or tried to, I cant remember. The next summer when I went to visit my grandparents, the bike was gone, GONE! Grandpa had taken that old bike to the salvation army. :shock: My uncle and I both have fond memories of that orange stingray. So i decide to build one. But wait, I got an extra frame from murdering the Schwindian from last year! I can build us each one. My uncle lives in MN and I in KS it would be hard to share a bike. Perfect idea. So I start searching for parts. Meet up with a cool guy named Mike in MPLS who sold me some of what I was looking for. And Chris from MN as well who, sold me some great parts too! Thanks guys! 8) So I havent been focusing on building this chopper thing anyway I realize that the conundrum was to be finding all these bits to being able to give my uncle his childhood bike back. I cant wait to get them road worthy and get my uncle down to KS so we can take them out for a ride.
Something about a stingray make me feel 8 years old again. Sorry to ramble. :)