Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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Hey! Hooligan Man! I will build a SHRINE of you in my workshop lol...Yo ma IDOL! and also I like to build a clone of that Masterpiece of yours(asking for your permission ha ha ha). Just got my Autocyle and a single Stromms .....I really dig all your bikes and they serve as inspiration for me to do ratrodbikes in my country.
wow i dont know what to say other than thank you and glad u dig the bikes i do. where are you from again i forgot? and sure have at it i dont get mad if others use my designs or style ideas it is so hard to be unique these days you end up stepping on someone's toes. heck the sprocket on my bike this year i used because i saw that design used on greg's chop and loved the mag design but i wanted to turn it into a skip sprocket. so to make it your own put your own spin on it and post pics of your bike when you get it done.

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