The King-Ray (done)

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Re: The King-Ray

karfer67 said:
i asume you hit the nipples on a wire wheel? how are your fingers after that i did the same with mine on this year's build off bike and about half way through although they looked killer i was thinking of how much longer than i thought it would take to do remembering there are after all 72 of the buggers. the bike is lookin good

Good call! I had some cut spokes that I would thread the nips on one turn.
I could stand off to one side that way.They would spin several times then stop.
Safety glasses are a must!
Re: The King-Ray

Painting has turned to mildly tragic circumstances as my green clear coat can didn't spray properly(propellant loss), then every lamo (insert your favorite explicative here) store
decided to take it off there stock list. One of the reasons I hate living in this backwater, the market is just too small to keep the odd stuff around.
I have to order the stuff online so it looks like another week to wait, weeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! this bikin' stuff is fun! :D
Re: The King-Ray

Relegated to the second page, oh, the horror! After fifteen days o' waitin' paint finally arrived and i went right to it. Looks like a very heavy coat then sand with 600 wet paper gets the best finish with the green, then let it sit in the sun where it fades very quickly.
Also got some faux jewels for the crowns.
Been having a bit of a rash of bent forks around here and the King is no exception, managed to get it straight with my big pipe and block of wood techneiqe.


Aren't they pretty?

No, this big pipe. :D
Re: The King-Ray

Clearcoat is on and assembly is getting close.





Here's a shot before sanding and clearcoat, stuff looks almost black.

Paint has a very uneven look to it but it's growing on me. Fading should make it even out.
Re: The King-Ray

It's assembly time! Still having fit issues, apparently Schwinn liked to have 1.5" of clearance on the fenders. I dropped the front down but I'm not too thrilled with it. I may have to shorten a brace for it. Rear tire fits good. The Kenda Kraze is a good tire for folks who don't want to do frame spreading. It's wide, but not that wide. :) Apes and seat look good but bars need to be cut down. Sissy bar is vertical, but could be set back by reversing the seat clamp if needed.




I think I hit the scale thing pretty close to what I wanted.



I love a bike that has it's own bikework stand.

Here's with the fender dropped.
Re: The King-Ray

On the way back from the store I decided to check to see what was in the recycle bin at the fairgrounds and scored this headbadge from a Schwinn exercycle. It's absolutely pristine.


To get a gold effect on the grips I painted the bar gold (very lightly) and then put clear grips on.



The gold is very subtle here, but it works.

Installed drive train. I cheated the sprocket cleaning process by buying a new one.




Got it on the road, definitely geared for speed. Seat is a trainwreck, I had to stuff some extra foam where my thighs are as it was cutting into my hip bone.
Could somebody please make a comfortable naner seat? I'm going to redesign it myself, as soon as I find the right cover material and color.
A NSLBS has a repop Schwinn naner in white, do you guys think that color would work? I'm kinda' split on it.
I can't get the lettering on the chainguard right either, hoping to find a solution today.
Re: The King-Ray

And here ya go.




Hubshiners have a windchime effect that's pretty cool.

I HAVE to get a new camera somehow. :x

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