Green mushroom grips! Perfect for a bike emulating the late '60s early '70s. 

Looking awesome! I’m sure it’s not a huge concern for you, but how’s the weight on those parts you made?Painting at last! Taking a morning coffee break from work. Primer coat started on upper tank and rear rack. Priming should be finished later today. Tomorrow is supposed to be low humidity and sunny, so maybe I can lay down some lime.
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It is a concern, but compared to an old balloon tire 30's to 50's cruiser bike with steel tanks filled with D batteries, horns, and sometimes radios, I think it'll be fine. Can't be any worse than build-offs bikes past with wooden crates, skateboards, beverage carriers and other doodadery! LOLLooking awesome! I’m sure it’s not a huge concern for you, but how’s the weight on those parts you made?
Since there will be so much green on top, I'm thinking of painting the down tube, bottom bracket and chain stays, leaving everything else chrome.Maybe do a paint job similar to @Brian macumber , leave the bulk of the middle part of the frame in the vintage chrome, and paint the head and tail with your awesome green? That, along with the painted tank, rear 'spoiler', etc might be a cool combo.
And you could always spray a set of grips with your frame paint. Then use a clear on them to keep the color intact. I've painted many a grip, and it works pretty well. Maybe use an 'adhesion promoter' to help the paint stick to the rubber / poly grips. I've used it with the Duplicolor Metalcast, and it really helps. Don't need much, and spray your paint when it's still a bit tacky.
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This is the part in the build where we kind of hold our breath with every move. The aging process is a delicate one, and we never know where it might take us....
Need a sublime green trike!!!!!!!No bike work today. Spent the afternoon visiting our oldest son and his family.
Here's the newest member of the family, a year old last April. Grandpa was making funny noises that she was trying to copy!
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Your project is coming along great…. But that coronet is over the top epic!Some more inspiration...
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Doing some fauxtina in a few places. Need to decide which condiments to use when applying the top coat.
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Some pieces have natural patina that will also be slathered with condiments.
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Having second thoughts about painting the chrome frame. Think maybe I'll just paint part of it.
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Love the pile of stuff you paint on. Glad to see I'm not the only one. That green is awesomeA little more paint work this afternoon. I blacked out the "hood" and added racing stripes on the upper tank.
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I ran out of the lime paint Saturday afternoon, so had to get more. While at the store, I saw the same paint brand had a "chrome" paint, judging by the label. Only 5 bucks, I'll try it. Sure glad I did. It's not real chromey looking when dry, but, for 5 bucks, it could be a lot worse.
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I experimented with an old crank arm. A little sanding and some 0000 steel wool and a couple of coats of paint...
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Love the pile of stuff you paint on. Glad to see I'm not the only one. That green is awesome
The wood work is super cool.
Green is looking good, and I like the effect you got with the chrome paint on the crank arm. Maybe a real light rub with the #0000 steel wool to smooth it out (if you wanted to) a bit, and then a gloss clear, and then a polish; if you want to see how 'chromy' you could get it looking. Otherwise, I like the vintage look it has!
And that's what makes a build unique and special! Your use of wood and pvc pipe and other accutrements has set your builds apart.Thanks Odd Job. I will try more eperiments later. Really easy to get lost in rabbit holes like this and lose track of the build-off! LOL