The 'Rickety Ratt - PICS OF THE TRASHED BIKE...

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Re: The 'Rickety Ratt !!!! NEW PICS - 7-27!!!!

Maybe an old fat lady on Beyond Thunderdome. :shock:
Re: The 'Rickety Ratt !!!! NEW PICS - 7-27!!!!


PLEASE.............tell me what this spotted patchy area is ???
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:


great build Ricky!!
Re: The 'Rickety Ratt !!!! NEW PICS - 7-27!!!!

Thanks Kev, I thought we had left that behind a couple of pages ago...
Re: The 'Rickety Ratt !!!! NEW PICS - 7-27!!!!

Clothespin n said:

PLEASE.............tell me what this spotted patchy area is ???
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:


great build Ricky!!

KEV DUD WHERE THE HELL DID YOU.. GO AND COME FROM?! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :lol: :lol: I Miss u man, sites boring without gettin picked on!!

Lol thats a hicky :eek: l m a o. Ty man, i enjoyed the build.. Wish i could have built the tank insert i wanted. Watch n see, i will be making it soon.

KEV U BETTER NOT DISSAPPEAR AGAIN, stick around for a lil while
Re: The 'Rickety Ratt !!!! NEW PICS - 7-27!!!!

haha ricky has stretch marks!!!!! and kev what the heck you have been lurking all this time? i see u just dont love us anymore
Re: The 'Rickety Ratt !!!! NEW PICS - 7-27!!!!

Fender mounted

Headlights work!

Old headbadge off a girls frame i got, colors matched perfect. Held on with dbl sided tape :mrgreen:

Sharpie doesnt come off chrome to easily..

Tinsnipped fender so it would mount on the bottom by the kickstand..

She looks good! Last pics b4 the finals before the final judging of the buildoff. Its been a good build fellas, may the best man win. 8)
Re: The 'Rickety Ratt !!!! NEW PICS - 7-27!!!!

Rat Rod said:
Maybe an old fat lady on Beyond Thunderdome. :shock:

oh man they almost killed mad max with that one but luckily mad max and road warrior are awesome. :D i mean really tina turner??
Re: The 'Rickety Ratt !!!! NEW PICS - 7-27!!!!

Build bike is trashed!!! :cry: :cry:

Im riding in the road, and i hear a car behind me, i dont wanna get hit again, so i go in someones driveway and miss the cement and go in the grass, im cookin, going pretty good.. These ppl have a huge hole in there yard and it stops me dead in my tracks, bends the steer tube on the forks and bends the rim, throws me over the handle bars.. Great.

I call home for a ride.. mom knows im pissed so she sends dad ..

Dad pulls up, stops.. i load the bikes get in, and sorry i closed the door a little hard dad, im mad. my bike i been building for a month is now screwd, i dont have another fork im mad whatever. he flips out "YOU MOTHER F&#@#$ DONT SLAM MY GOD #$%( DOOR!" -Smacks me in the face- i say, wtf is ur problem?! He says take ur own mfing bikes home, mind u my friend tylers in the middle of this.. dad jumps out the truck, goes in the back annd throws the worksman bike i just bought in the road, and the build bike in the road, bending the rear rim and the peddle arm.. so nowww the bike is.. trashed.. :cry: No final pics for me.. :cry: :cry: :cry: DAMN IT!
Re: The 'Rickety Ratt - Trashed...

thats stinks
as for kev heres why he left....
remember that picture you photoshopped of him with you(sorry couldnt find it but the one of his face on the mexican girls face with a bike helmet on :lol: )
Re: The 'Rickety Ratt - Trashed...

I'd just take the best latest pics you have and post it in the finished section, everyone knows you fairly built it and that it was ridable. you can rebuild it later, maybe name it the six million dollar bike! better..faster..stronger than before!..(cue six Million Dollar Man theme music) :shock:
Re: The 'Rickety Ratt - Trashed...

sensor said:
thats stinks
as for kev heres why he left....
remember that picture you photoshopped of him with you(sorry couldnt find it but the one of his face on the mexican girls face with a bike helmet on :lol: )

Ik what pic ur talking about lol :)
Re: The 'Rickety Ratt - Trashed...

37fleetwood said:
I'd just take the best latest pics you have and post it in the finished section, everyone knows you fairly built it and that it was ridable. you can rebuild it later, maybe name it the six million dollar bike! better..faster..stronger than before!..(cue six Million Dollar Man theme music) :shock:

Thats the plan... :) Thanks dude. aha, i guess she was a little to rickety afterall... :lol:
Re: The 'Rickety Ratt - Trashed...

kram said:
So sorry to hear about your bike, but I agree with 37fleetwood about posting the last pictures you had.

Thats what im gonna have to do.. I might take apart that worksman and use the super heavy duty rims on it.. and i got a neat regular sprocket, and i got a hole bunch of new chain.. My evanaction fork might fit it too.