ok lewts get a few things straight
this really just sent me over the edge so if it needs to be deleted delete it but im gonna try to keep myself under control
Dude if you think you can afford to drive(note the key word here is drive) a BMW for a couple G's you are living in fantasy land or smoking some really good chit. If you are a minor lay off the smoke. Learn from others who have experience, it will save you a lot of dissapointment. Spending a couple of grand on a car that takes up space rotting broken in your driveway or yard is not going to be very satisfying, even if it has those shiny BMW emblems on it.
lets get a few things settled
first of all i know this one guy that drives a bmw
he is 17 and works part time
the car is 24 years old and it is running just fine
he got the car for 1500 bucks and since he has had it in the past 7 months hes put bout 250 or 300 bucks in it
o by the way this guy is my brother
your first car shouldnt be a 10,000 car it should be something outta someones front yard so you learn responsiblity and can take care of it
i don't care either if it sit in the driveway
it DOES have shiny bmw emblems on it and i own one and you dont
I am currently in the market for vehicle, but I wouldn't keep a brand new BMW if someone gave it to me. The cost of maintaining, and insuring it is way out of my budget. Trust me I am sure I have way more money to spend, or you wouldn't be talking about selling some bicycles to afford it.
and its not called selling bicycles to afford it
its called prioritizing and growing up and realizing whats imporntant
a bike cant get me to work but a car sure can
even if it is a rusty bmw that sits untill i can afford to drive it
how many bikes does one guy need?
you can only ride one at a time
besides they are nothing but a material thing anyways
Here's a hint: Chicks dig guys that have money to spend on them way more than guys who are broke because they need to fix their broken POS BMW rotting in their driveway. She would rather ride in a Huyndai or any other running car to dinner and a movie than have sex in the back seat of your broken BMW in your parents driveway. Trust me it's true.
if i need a car to get a girlfriend it looks like i'm staying single for the rest of my life
its called managing your money
afford the car and the girlfriend
or just the car or just the girlfriend
cant to both well then say bye to one or the other
AND i'm not having sex in the backseat of my car as a 16 year old kid
that stuff needs to wait till your married anyways
There is such a thing as a BMW that could be aquired for a modest amount, but you will not drive it for long without spending a whole lot more money. BMW's are image cars for rich middle age people, and their spoiled rotten kids, not for kids who need to sell their bicycles to get some money for a car.
and if you think that ios true you have been living in a cave
not RICH SPOILED peopel drive bmws
this just goes to prove how ingnorant
SOME people really are
and just to let you no
everybike i own cost me money
I pay for it
if this post needs delete it delte the stupid thing cause i'm still going to be drivng a "pice of rusted crap forign rich spoiled rotten little brat car"
but he got to voice his opinnion and i need to have a chance to vice mine
this really ticks me off and it takes ALOT to make me angry
and i live about an hour and half south east of cleveland
i may trade stuff but i'm not sure