The Silver Surfer - FINISHED! (BOTEN)

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Got to love those last minute goodies showing up !!

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Yeah, after putting them on the bike I wanted to take it for it's first test ride, without the surfboard mounted, but again, another thunderstorm popped up. Ugh!
Yeah, after putting them on the bike I wanted to take it for it's first test ride, without the surfboard mounted, but again, another thunderstorm popped up. Ugh!
Ya sounds like Florida I know what you mean

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It's Friday and a perfect sunny day and I'm stuck at work thinking about all the things I still need to do on the bike. I completely forgot about the rear tail light and license plate. D'oh! I still need to take it for it's first test ride and I haven't even bolted on the surf board rack yet. Looks like another long night and even longer saturday. But I love the pressure, it makes me push myself to finish.
Oh yeah, and I get messages about my last years BONINE build "Agent Orange". As soon as this build off is finished I'll be finishing up that bike so stay tuned to the Build thread for The Return of Agent Orange!
But at least you got your grips [emoji106][emoji16] I feel for ya man some how I got mine done on time

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Nice looking Brat, though past experience with the stock bent springer
on those bikes has me wondering about yours ??? The one on my Brat
was an unsafe pile of junk, at higher speeds it would go into a bad wobble ...just uncontrollable .
Nice looking Brat, though past experience with the stock bent springer
on those bikes has me wondering about yours ??? The one on my Brat
was an unsafe pile of junk, at higher speeds it would go into a bad wobble ...just uncontrollable .
I know what you mean I just took it for its first test ride, I was thinking about renaming it twitchy. Boy is that steering touchy. :whew: I don't even know how you got it up to high speeds with these little cranks I can pedal as fast as I possibly can and I swear I'm only doing 8 miles an hour.
Yup I actually finished this year. I didn't get everything done the way I hoped too and one of my new tires have a serious defect in it. It looks as if part of the sidewall is not made correctly since there is a huge bubble in it and when I ride it, it makes the bike bounce up-and-down. Ugh! I'll have to post my finished pictures tomorrow.
Think for riding I'd put a different tire on.
To be honest this bike is really uncomfortable to ride so I kind a lost interest in building it. Maybe if I wasn't 6' 2" I would be more comfortable and I would like the bike better.
Think for riding I'd put a different tire on.
I would just send the tire back but I actually bought them two months ago and I just tried to use them so I guess I'll just have to buy a new one. I have a neighbor that really wants to buy this bike maybe I'll just sell it to him. And that's saying a lot because I don't sell anything!
Well it seems like it might be a good idea,specially since it don't fit well.

That's how I feel about my warp factor 5, it's nostalgic but I'm far to tall.
I would just send the tire back but I actually bought them two months ago and I just tried to use them so I guess I'll just have to buy a new one. I have a neighbor that really wants to buy this bike maybe I'll just sell it to him. And that's saying a lot because I don't sell anything!

Yes, but if you sell it to him, maybe he will be happy with a one off, and you have some resources to finish Agent Orange in the way you really want to.
My Grandmother also had a new '72. It was green without the vinyl top. Unfortunately my brother wound up with it and proceeded to destroy it. :( Every where she went in it, people try to buy it from her.
On the way to my photo shoot.

In that rig hands down the coolest guy at the beach yesterday!
Hot build and Cool pics Bud! The engine turn is my favorite thing and let's face it you rescued a manufacturing bastage "Bratz" bike and made it cool...they should have cracked em out looking this cool in a multitude of colors like the old ones.
In that rig hands down the coolest guy at the beach yesterday!
Hot build and Cool pics Bud! The engine turn is my favorite thing and let's face it you rescued a manufacturing bastage "Bratz" bike and made it cool...they should have cracked em out looking this cool in a multitude of colors like the old ones.
Thanks. Yeah, I think they could have sold tons more if they would have made them many more color combos instead of just purple. It's now something I'm not embarrassed to ride.
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