The TENDERIZER - finished ? :(

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Re: The TENDERIZER - the ugly, the bad, and the good

Grips, take two.

With the bars chopped down (from the previous grip attempt), I welded in some smaller diameter tubing

Sanded with some progressively finer sandpaper until it got a nice shine, and then I clear coated the ends.


wrapping the chain...


...and the final product. Each end of chain has a small stainless steel allen-head bolt with a lock nut on the inside of the bars


Re: The TENDERIZER - the ugly, the bad, and the good

fartknocker said:
...For my grips, I stole this idea from my brother - check his bike out here viewtopic.php?f=6&t=16090 - ...

Mine are still cooler ... :p

Bike's looking great. We need to get the two of them together for a photo op. (You need to come over and help me with my truck brakes first, though.)
Re: The TENDERIZER - the ugly, the bad, and the good

Wow! The bike is coming along very nice. You are quite a craftsman.
Re: The TENDERIZER - the ugly, the bad, and the good

I think those rims turned out great. The whole bike is looking good
Re: The TENDERIZER - the ugly, the bad, and the good

fancy....with all of the added metal on this thing im curious as to how much this beast weighs.
Re: The TENDERIZER - the ugly, the bad, and the good

Thank you all for the kind words.
lol yes of course the first thing I had to do when I got home was weigh this thing. It comes in around 33lbs., not too bad. And it rides surprisingly smooth. I rode it several miles this weekend and I'm glad I left the super-low gearing on it for the hills around here. It's much like cranking around on a BMX bike, but a little more awkward with the bars so low. I like it so much I think my next build will be a simple single speed klunker for hitting the mtb trails around here :D :D :D
I finally picked up a new camera since the last one took a cr@p. I will have some pics up soon of the finished bars
Re: The TENDERIZER - the ugly, the bad, and the good

yeah thats pretty light actually...mine is almost twice that least I get a good workout going uphills.
Re: The TENDERIZER - the ugly, the bad, and the good

Pretty light. My Columbia's 35 with skinny tires and a patch kit! :? I'm thinkin' it's those cool alloy rims you're running. 8)
Re: The TENDERIZER - the ugly, the bad, and the good

33 lbs ain't bad considering the 10 lbs of chains and spikes on it!
Re: The TENDERIZER - the ugly, the bad, and the good

yeah I'm definitely enjoying the light weight of this bike chuggin' around town. I think that the alloy wheels along with the cheap-o thin-wall Chinese frame keep the weight down quite a bit. Plus no seatpost, seatpost clamp, seat clamp, a tiny aluminum sprocket, not much of a stem, etc. etc. etc. all help to keep the weight down 8)
Re: The TENDERIZER - how gripping

Finally got some first test pics with the new camera. The bars are painted and finished (I think)




The little spike 'collar' serves a couple purposes. I needed to do something with the extra spikes I had, and I also had to cover up the mistake I made on the right side of the bars. I forgot to measure the bars before I cut 'em. ummmm whoops. Measure twice cut once? Well, I didn't even measure once. Just had a little eye-ball mark on the bars to get a feel for where I wanted them to be and I forgot later on that day that this wasn't an actual measurement before I buzzed it off. Oh well, not a big deal I guess
You can see the whoops here, the chain grip should sit flush with the larger diameter part of the bar :oops:
Re: The TENDERIZER - how gripping - 6/3


All the parts fit sooo nice, stylewise. I don't care too much for knobby tires but on your bike with all those spikes they are 'a natural'. Great styling job. Neat grips. Not too shure about the spikes on the handle bar, but they complement the others. Would be extremely cool if you could make a rotating version for the otherside of the bars, and make a some kind of bell out of it. Don't know if that's possible and it'd probably make it a bit cluttered, but cool if it can be pulled off...
Re: The TENDERIZER - safety first!!! - 6/4

SAFETY FIRST...because it would be a terrible thing to poke someone's eye out with an unprotected bar end :D
Not sure if this is an original idea, but I saw these corks at the hardware store when I was looking for nuts and bolts. Thought these would make a nice unique touch.


