The Wild One...

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Jun 28, 2011
Reaction score
LaFayette GA
Rating - 0%
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Well... that's what it says on the chainguard anyway...






Drug this in a few weeks ago... I liked the bars :wink: Gotta find somebody to true the back wheel up for me... Stem has a crack, I've got another stem, but I don't know if I should just try to weld the crack on the existing one... I'm afraid I'll ruin a grip swapping the stem... But I'm an idiot... I may not know the proper way to change a set of bars without spoiling things... LOL!
Prob a 1969. Murray made sold through Western auto stores. looks like it will clean up nice!. be careful when cleaning the chain guard. the green paint will rub off easy if your not careful..As far as removing the grip. just take a small flat blade screw driver and push it under the grip as far as you can, then squirt some windex type window cleaner in around the screw driver, remove the screw driver and wiggle back & forth a few times it will slip right off!.
I've read about using the screwdriver/windex method of removing grips on here... but I was kinda scared of it... thought I might split the grip. Well... said heck with it and gave it a shot. Had the grip off in about 5 min and the stem swapped and the bars back on in another 5. Also dropped the seat down a bit... and went for a ride... still gotta find someone to true that wheel up for me... Might drag it with me to the show/swap in Powder Springs at the end of the month... surely somebody there could help me out. :wink:
gosh i want one of these types of bikes. especially one this clean! for the grips, something you could also try is getting them damp with a cloth and then using a hair dryer to heat them up. the adhesive will melt sometimes, and give enough to pull off. i have had luck with the screwdriver and windex on really stuck ones before though.

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