TheFlyingDingo's Fresh bikes-New bike(s)-5/9

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Re: TheFlyingDingo's Fresh bikes-New bike(s)-8/29

Got the fork off...Allmost no problems. Both the neck and the fork are still in tact...but, cant say much about my hammer


fork looks good!



Re: TheFlyingDingo's Fresh bikes-New bike(s)-8/29

Those hammers usually work better when you use the heavy thing at the END of the shaft to strike the object of your choice........
as opposed to the shaft itself! :lol:
Re: TheFlyingDingo's Fresh bikes-New bike(s)-8/29

Tonka said:
Those hammers usually work better when you use the heavy thing at the END of the shaft to strike the object of your choice........
as opposed to the shaft itself! :lol:

I broke two hammers this way...Heheheh
Re: TheFlyingDingo's Fresh bikes-New bike(s)-8/29

That's a Shelby "Shock-ease" forksince Shelby made many Hiawathas for Gamble's Dept. store. I hear they really don't 'spring' much. But neat looking! ~Adam
Re: TheFlyingDingo's Fresh bikes-New bike(s)-9/6

Bunch of stuff i have not gotten a chance to post rushing to get ready for school and get ready for sending things to people...having a hard time

picked this up the other day...bought it for parts, probably going to end up building it for my girlfriend(she needs a ratrod)



never saw this sprocket in a regular pitch


love these pedals too

I bought the red kids bike for $4 only for the tires for the black bike my mom brought home

Im allmost done with this bike...bought tires today along with a bunch of bicycle unrelated items


$3 for the tires

I also bought a few other things a while ago
Vintage 7up shelf
Paper towel holder
new rolling tool tray thing
The Matrix
The matrix revolutions
Terminator 2
Terminator 3
Re: TheFlyingDingo's Fresh bikes-New bike(s)-9/15 10 new

Well, Apparently i was bored yesterday...and the day before because i have 10 new bikes

From the free stuff:
Bag O' Free Schwinn stuff
Schwinn Mesarunner
Royce Union BMX
Magna girlie bike
Schwinn breeze(Not pictured)

Paid for:
Kent City cruiser
Schwinn World tourist single speed ladies
Schwinn Breeze single speed banana seater
Schwinn varsity(2)

I was in computers class and i was on craigslist(i get done quick) and noticed free bikes locally, called him after school and went and got the stuff...all free(Mesarunner...huffy...royce...manga)
then i remember getting a call about bikes somone had for sale while i was in class...apparently i wanted 2 i went and got those too...she threw in a free breeze because it was rusted out
I didnt get pictures of those yet



and from a garage sale the day before yesterday i picked up some other bikes for $40...
2 varsitys and a breeze...he threw in a small bag of parts


checkout the expiration dates

Re: TheFlyingDingo's Fresh bikes-New bike(s)-9/15 10 new

Awesome , Dingo, very very cool stuff.

Your weekend has been like mine. Just too busy picking up and doing stuff to get any pictures up for my projects and new finds.

Wish you lived closer, I'd love that little Breeze. The banana seat is real Schwinn stuff but not right for the bike- originally was built like a bigger Breeze. The 20" model was made for a few years like 74-76 using Stardust frames. Neat bikes.

The little Collegiate is cool too, nice paint. It's back to school time, sell that one to a college kid! Throw a basket on it, double its value!

The items in OEM boxes, definitely post them for sale, people love that stuff for their collections. Wouldn't use them, they're going to be 20+ years old anyway. That Schwinn bag- so cool, I want that print as my wallpaper on the computer.

Re: TheFlyingDingo's Fresh bikes-New bike(s)-9/23

Trying to get stuff done with school, and still keep up with bikes and homework

The other day my friend's brother told me he had some bike crap to get rid of. I knew alot of it was crap, but some was salvageable.
This was the pile i took home for $25
Mostly BMX junk
(Just got plans!)

I also redid the road master i got not too long ago. Slapped some balloon tires on, a reflector, better bars and a better seat. Plan on selling it for a little money, since its got alot of potentially nice parts on it. i think it needs a guard though

And my neighbor found this in the woods at his friends house...only kept the rear wheel and handlebars
Re: TheFlyingDingo's Fresh bikes-New bike(s)-9/23

Cool! Looks there are some useful bits. Some really cool finds lately! (Best of luck with school :wink:)

I hope this isn't a fire exit or well used doorway. :lol:

Re: TheFlyingDingo's Fresh bikes-New bike(s)-9/23

This is one of the bikes i never took a picture of...I didnt realize most of the chrome is perfect...
Probobly should have taken it outside

If the suns out later today, i planned on putting it on craigslist...
but this is the only picture i have of it right now

Theres still one more bike i need to take a picture of
Re: TheFlyingDingo's Fresh bikes-New bike(s)-10/7-Absurdlyhuge

over the summer i vistited a guy that restored bikes out of his garage(well...fixed) He sold them to the people locally. Someone told me about him so i went to go check it out...had nothing older...I remembered the guy, figured id be there again soon.

So, saturday i was searching through the listings and found a listing in porthuron about a bunch of bikes for sale and the guy is moving, called him up and asked if he had classics...he had an old schwinn(still gotta take pictures...sorry)
he told me to come get it, im the house with the bike on the mailbox...then it hit me, thats the guy.
So i went to go get the bike and he took me out back and explained that hes moving and he will be getting rid of everything...he asked if i wanted anything, i asked how much for everything...
Well, i bought it
yesterday i took my moms van...2 trips it took to take everything i WANTED....the rest is just little girls parts and some junky wheels.

So now i have no room in my shop whatsover...
Things i found SO FAR:
Park Tool Bench stand
BMX pads
Re: TheFlyingDingo's Fresh bikes-New bike(s)-10/7-Absurdlyhuge

These are the only pictures that ive got...

alot of this stuff i geuss i didnt want, some of it is in the trash, and the rest to my neighbor for scrap


Filled my mothers van twice...

this guy was a bit pack-ratty
not that i care, i still got a good deal...just too much to go through
hopefully i can make more than my money back...since i still want a new bike
Re: TheFlyingDingo's Fresh bikes-New bike(s)-10/19-TicketsSuck

I got dibs on an 80's Schwinn cruiser 5, alot like the one steve has, but im geussing this one is newer. Its in pretty nice shape and i was excited to go get it...i got dibs on thursday and went to go pick it up yesterday(sunday). On the way there i realized i was speeding, I kept doing this down the road, eventually i did get pulled over and received my first ticket. Dont know what im going to do about that.
because i know i was speeding, i cant fight it, and im definatly not going to lie.
i would love for the fine to be reduced though.

Anywhoo, heres the bike.

my friend threw these bikes my way(not the specializeds)

on my way home from dropping bikes off to someone, i read craigslist to find some bikes in my area, read about a sale where i was.
Went to it, assuming it was an estate sale, And ran into this spraybombed Bridgestone MB4
Really nice parts on it...paid $10

And then i went to the actual garage sale after they told me this was the wrong sale
saw a raleigh M-40 i didnt want
Re: TheFlyingDingo's Fresh bikes-New bike(s)-11/22-Worth It?

Got this a while back from my girlfriend's neighbor's house(see build thread)

It did have some nice wheels, brand new tires
So now, im cutting it up

And new today, A 1989 GT Karakoram...Was this worth it?
Bought it from the original owner, Great paint, covered in dust. He said he bought it in the military down south, and brought it home...rode i for a while, and stored it in his basement.
Paid $60

I like it, but i want to ride it now so i can see how much i do
thought it was a good deal, too much of a good deal to pass up

ANd these are his pics, not mine, just yet



Re: TheFlyingDingo's Fresh bikes-New bike(s)-11/22-Worth It?

Has been a long time since i had an update on here!

Havent really been picking up any notable bikes, since ive been so busy with school
Dingo made the honor roll
First time since elementary


My girlfriend's uncle gave me a schwinn sierra that i parted out
(no pictures)

And Friday during school:
I have been spying a bike in a janitors closet for a while.
Finally, i saw someone near it and i asked about it, she said someone owned it so she asked if i needed more bikes, i explained i restore and collect and she took me to the boiler room...she pulled out a schwinn 10 speed, and she explained there was more in the schools maitinence i followed her out, wheeling the bike through the hallways...
"Nice bike"
"Can i ride it?"
and lots of eye rolls
everyone knows im the bike man

Got to the garage and there sat 6 more
allready sold one

Huffy Aluminum bike-Sold that allready
Schwinn Probe
Huffy Y frame
AMF 3 speed
schwinn 10 speed
canadian bike

All free!
Re: TheFlyingDingo's Fresh bikes-New bike(s)-3/3


2 of 11 bikes i'm supposed to get from my friends

My buddy has 7 bikes for me for a pizza, and my other friend has them for free, but she has not followed through. She claims they are "Old School" But she hasnt gotten them to me when she had tons of chances to do so.

another one is some cheapies

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