Thunderbolt Grease Slapper

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Sep 14, 2013
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Bradley Illinoiz
For this to work you have got to read this complete thread as the classic cartoon voice over narrator. You just HAVE to. Every post I make.


Hello race fans welcome to the 14th annual build off here at Ratrodbikes dot com We have a rare opportunity to look behind the scenes at Gerties Garage and see just what she has planned. But what's that you say, Marigold? You want a little background on the Grease Slapper? Built in Chicago in 1953 this Spitfire has racked up a lot of miles. Most of the original drivetrain is gone and that suits Gertie just fine. All around nice guy, Tom Slick, has ran the Thunderbolt in as many events as he could and it seems there's always just enough prize money to cover the expenses at the garage. The Thunderbolt Grease Slapper has survived because of three important facts: 1.It's a Schwinn 2. Tom has always used Gertie Growler as his Mechanic and 3. There's no such word as fail in bicycle building, Marigold.

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Well race fans, Gerty is livid. It seems someone has been using her garage as a woodshop. Parts for commercial beehives and sawdust is littering the shop floor and to top it off, Tom rode the Grease Slapper hard and put it away missing the crank completely. Now she insists on a frame off (?) cleaning and there's a race coming up. Marigold is out getting cleaning supplies (WD and 4 ott) so this is where we're at today... Tom? Tom is reading a book on gravity...

Stay tuned race fans, what will Marigold return with and why is Tom reading a book on gravity?


Sent from the edge of an alternate universe...
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I tuned in with a Howard Cosell
cartoon voices . Slapped some grease on the monkey this build is looking better already...
Easy dose it Merl [emoji6]

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Gerty has been busy lacing a wheel up for the Thunderbolt, using a two speed Bendix automatic and a patina matched 26 x 2 rim. But how will Gerty deal with the missing crank? Has Tom finished that book on gravity yet and where is Marigold? For the answers to these and other intriguing questions tune in to the next episode...

Fans, for a real peek behind the scenes at Gertie's Garage, we've got an exclusive look at what the front end of the Thunderbolt Grease Slapper looks like right now.

Now Gerty is not one to give up much information, but that handlebar arrangement leads me to believe Luke is on to something.


Sent from the edge of an alternate universe...
Is this build even legal this is getting out of control in a good way ,?!,#@* :)

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This just in! Rumor has it that Tom has entered the Grease Slapper in a Gravity Race at Molehill Mt. near Old York. Now Gerty has Marigold frantically cleaning the Thunderbolt, while Gerty regreases the wheel bearings. What will the wheel arrangement be, and can Tom be serious? More will be revealed...

Looking like another solid build Carl. Love that wheel you laced up. That rim with the black spokes and shiny hub looks excellent. Gonna have to look up these cartoons so I can understand what's going on. Sounds like a good one. Only "car" toons we had when I was a kid was Speed Buggy and Speed Racer.
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Here's a little background on Tom Slick. It's a cartoon from 1967 and was featured with George of the Jungle. Every week he was in a different race and Gerty Growler would convert the Thunderbolt Grease Slapper into whatever type of vehicle was needed. His girlfriend, Marigold was also involved in the mishaps. So, for the next 4 months I thought I might try and convert this '53 Spitfire into as many types of bikes (real and fictional) as I can, with a running commentary by the narrator, Merle. I hope this alleviates any confusion caused by not reading into the earlier threads about the buildoff, or by being unfamiliar with Tom Slick.

Well ratrodsters, Marigold came back with the WD and the 4ott, pulled an all nighter and got the Grease Slapper about as clean as it's gonna get. Gerty has it about as low as it can go and not be a scraper. All that's left to do is find some seat supports. Tom's working on the brakes so there's no stopping it now...


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We're back at Gertie's Garage and Tom can't believe his eyes. A wheelbarrow has jumped in line in front of the Thunderbolt Grease Slapper! "Gotta service paying customers, Tom boy." says Gerty...and with the Gravity race at The Molehill looming, what's Tom gonna do? Stay tuned.

There is a bit of news. Gerty did get the replacement headbadge on...


Sent from the edge of an alternate universe...
Well race fans due to network contract negotiations...
The Molehill Mt. Gravity Drags were not televised but I can sum it up in ten words...
There's no such thing as fail in Gravity Racing, Marigold...
(although Tom did have a close call when one of his brake shoes came unlaced?!?!)
and so on to the next challenge...
Tom has been interviewing stokers lately.


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