Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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Cut! Cut! Cut! Cut! Cut!

Angie. This is your big introduction. This is your very first impression on everyone. Remember, you’re the professional! This is what you do! You’ve got this! So you walk out on the stage with this avatar, a big A? Is this really the best that you can do? Did you only have five minutes to prepare for this? And five titles? Admistrator/staff member/Owner/moderator/moderator? Please, also, sentence structure! You wrote two sentences, and one of them is a mess! Remember! You’re taking the reins! You’re a boss! Don’t write like it’s your first day on the job! Imagine you’re passionate about old, rusty bicycles, and get that passion into your posts.

With feeling, Angie, with feeling!

Alright, places everyone.

Furyus Ford Coppola
I hope this place stays wholesome, clean and positive in Steve's absence. It's been refreshing, and is the only forum I belong to as a result.
Ian has said it well above ^. The nature of this forum and web site is what nurtures the spirit of camaraderie, good will, and good fun. We can take humorous stabs and sarcastic critiques from each other because we all sense the general positive and refreshing vibe of this forum.

@Rat Rod , Steve, thank you for creating this place for like minded folks to share their creativity, wild ideas, and absolutely genuine custom bicycles! Your vision has given us an opportunity to express ours over the past fifteen years. Thank you, Lee

@Angie , welcome to the best vintage custom rat rod bike forum on the internet! Some of these wacky birds in this nest might cause a stir every now and then, but for the most part, we are all 'good eggs'. We look forward to continuing with you at the helm, and many more build offs and events down the road. Many of us have been dramatically affected by our participation on this forum; dare we say, life changing. I have made many new friends, and interacted with a number of them in person as well. It's a bond that is strong, and for at least 4 months of the year, is a daily reminder of that unity we share as custom bicycle builders. Thank you for accepting the challenge, and as I always say,

"RaT oN~!"
I hope this place stays wholesome, clean and positive in Steve's absence. It's been refreshing, and is the only forum I belong to as a result.
I second that. This has been a pleasant escape for me these last 11 years. It’s up to us to keep it wholesome, clean and positive. And Cap Awesome, rest easy- we not saying any one individual meets these descriptions. We saying that all of us choose to keep this forum that way. Individually, we all low down scoundrels.
Was ‘chatting’ with @kingfish254 and @OddJob about the forum changing hands and I just wanted to thank @Rat Rod for creating this little space on the interwebs and to give some appreciation to what this place means, has done, for me.

I discovered RRB back in 2007 after returning from a family vacation where we, as a family, we rediscovered the pure joy of riding a bike, me especially. Without going into any personal details, it was a very difficult time in our lives, as a family we were at a low place, but in that moment, when my wife and I were cruising along the beach with our daughter attached to my bike via a ‘tug-a-bug’ those worries were gone. I found peace in this hobby and from this site found/made some of the deepest friendships in my life.
There are SO many great people in THIS community, so willing to give advice, opinion, swap/but/sell parts and share life’s events along the way.

I now enjoy a happier, healthier lifestyle BECAUSE of RRB. A lifestyle that includes not just me, but my family and friends.

Building bicycles has given me a creative outlet as well, it’s my escape from the stress of work and at times, life.

I’ve gained an immeasurable amount of knowledge here, in bicycle mechanics, history and life in general

So, in short, all I can is THANK YOU Steve! Thank you.
Your little creation has essentially changed my life and helped me discover a part of me that I had forgotten existed.

@Angie, welcome! I’m looking forward to seeing where you take the forum and the journey we will all take together.

Cheers to all!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Good morning new fun friends.

My best bike was a 26 girls coaster brake bike from Montgomery Wards. About mid 1960's That thing could roll so well. My younger brother would put aside his bike (one of the first banana seat, big handles) and use mine if they were racing down the slight hill where we were living.

And I really do hope you will help me keep it wholesome, and I will be looking for 2 or 3 mods that can help keep it as Steve created for the topic and wholesome place it is.

I've been doing this for the last 6 or 7 years. Looking forward to getting to know you.

I love the post about me being strong and the "professional". I am, I just don't have to come on strong to nice people.
I found a bike like my Montgomery Ward bike for an avatar.
More than likely as the result of a google search that landed you back here.

RRB is an incredible resource for both members and those who wish to find the proverbial answers to millions of questions that are Bicycle. It's what initially drew me here, after having countless questions answered here from searches in the past fifteen years. After largely giving up on (anti)social media a couple of years ago, I had more time to pursue the answers to new questions in this realm and the more I read, it became obvious that this forum was never like any of the others I have participated in since the Usenet days. So, this Dirty Rat decided to stay and play. Thank you for taking the reins with the promise of more of the same.
@Rat Rod your forum introduced me to the wider world of this hobby and I will always be grateful. Your style of community with the family friendly rules was (and I hope continues to be) always a bonus. Peace and love to you and yours. Good luck in your future endeavors.


OH! And Hi @Angie
I'll be honest, and this might be the schizophrenia talking.... But all I've found in this forum are interesting people with interesting ideas about how to build bicycles.

Yeah, definitely the schizophrenia.

And yes, people with schizophrenia are allowed to make fun.
@Rat Rod, thanks for building this place and maintaining it in such great order. Where so many sites involving internet interactions become troll caves, this place is a rare oasis. I hope everything just keeps getting better for you!
Thanks Steve, The day I stumbled onto this site through a Google search was a blessing. The tone of this forum is one of the most positive I have ever encountered. Welcome Angie, thanks for pedaling us into tomorrow.
Welcome aboard! I believe this will be a smooth and easy transition. That's good, this website is unique.

Your bike was a Hawthorne, made by Snyder. They also made Rollfast, same bike with a different name. The same style was made into the 70's. You can find that same bike on Ebay or CL and you'll be rolling proud on your American made bike. And for under a hundred bucks if it's in good condition. I hope you've made some room in your garage, these bikes and parts add up quick.

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