Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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I wanted to make a post today to let everyone know that after 15 years of ownership I have decided to sell RatRodBikes.com. In some ways this was a tough choice, but at the same time it made perfect sense.

Many of you long-timers have noticed my absence from daily activity on the forum over the past 3-4 years. A combination of changing interests, a new demanding job in 2019 and heavier family commitments meant less time to devote to the site. I've felt bad about not being as involved as I once was and always knew one day I'd end up passing the reins onto someone else.

Recently an opportunity presented itself via a community building company called Group Builder that specializes in overseeing and maintaining forums like this. Ironically, the owner is an avid cyclist. The company assigns an Admin to the site that lives in the U.S. and has had lots of experience managing forums, particularly Xenforo based forums like RRB. They have a tech support team that keeps everything running smoothly and quickly deals with any issues that arise.

I want to introduce everyone to @Angie . She will be the site's new Admin and will be the person that you contact from now on if you have any forum-related questions or issues. I have had conversations with her over the phone and she's a great person who cares about nurturing and maintaining forums like this. She will be looking for new moderators soon to help out around the place...especially with the Build Off activities. She will also be managing all of the RRB related social media accounts including the FB Group as well as the RRB Store.

I just wanted to thank everyone for the years of fun and creativity that has gone into making this site an awesome place to hang out, build friendships and create cool bikes! You've made the site what it is and have made the job of caretaker an easy one for me. I know y'all will continue to enjoy the hobby and keep the RRB spirit alive! I pray the best for the site and for all of the members as you continue to roll on down the road.

Grace & Peace,
thanks my friend.
I will continue to see you in real life.
see you rrb.

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