To fat to ride :-/

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I was 260 when this picture was taken about 15 years ago.
I'm 6"1" and now 265. I've been as much as 285. I've never broken a frame and most of my wheels are still true (knock wood)

To quote a famous bicycle racer "Three tips- Ride the bike, ride the bike, ride the bike.
Welcome to the club 8)
Almasinfe said:
i found a bike on Clist for $400 im hoping if i get it i wont break it lol ..


if you were really concerned it looks like just a couple extra tubes would make it as strong as it would ever need to be (if it's not strong enough already) one from the bottom bracket back to where those three tubes meet just in front of the seat, and one from the seat straight down to where the three tubes meet under it. and maybe a gusset at the head tubes.

probaly don't need any of it, but it ought to be indestructable that way.
The bike your looking at looks "custom" built. Looks NICE. As a portly man myself :roll: , I just have two suggestions. Ask what the frame material is. I've used conduit before, but I've also made sure that it was very sturdy. If that bike is made from conduit, I'd say C-YA. Tubes span to long for that material. If it's made out of steel, don't worry you won't break it. :lol: Second. Make sure it's COMFORTABLE. Make sure your not reaching to far forward, and make sure your knees don't go to high........A lot of custom bikes LOOK good (and that one looks very cool), but can be very uncomfortable to ride. GOOD LUCK!
I have seen a pic of the rear end of a "dyno" style stretch cruiser that had folded. Problem was that the seat must have been on the end of a 12" long seat post. The bike was fixed (guseted) and was good as new and actually looked kind of cool. Morals of the story: Better to have ridden and fixed than to have never ridden at all! And, watch your leverage!
another large man checking in to say you are all good - i even ride a skinny tire road bike, no sweat.

well, maybe we should all sweat a little more... :lol:
lobsterboyx said:
another large man checking in to say you are all good - i even ride a skinny tire road bike, no sweat.

well, maybe we should all sweat a little more... :lol:

Ditto for me. I'm 260 and ride a skinny tire Schwinn lightweight on the worst kept blacktop in America. Two years and no problems. :)
Almasinfe said:
i found a bike on Clist for $400 im hoping if i get it i wont break it lol ..

Cool Bike! By all means get out & ride. Being a chunky fellow myself (325 Lbs.) May I suggest going with 11 gauge spokes. Thicker spokes help support the "crush factor" we big boys put on our bikes.
I'm a big guy at 6' 325lb too, and I've ridden a few different bikes over the years. I've not had a problem with any of them except for one bike go-cart we picked up at the local farmers supply store. My 8 year old son has also broken that thing multiple times too, so I don't think it was the weight factor, just a crap bike. A few months ago, I borrowed my father-in-law's $129 cruiser from Wal-Mart to head around the neighborhood with the son. It was a bit short for me, but worked just fine.
islnder102 said:
I have a workman's trike that says maximum weight should be 220lbs. I'm 6' - 250lbs...should I be worried???
I think that weight refers to how much you can haul on the bike, in addition to the rider. I'm 325lbs. You can contact them on Facebook. Just search worksman bikes, than send them a message. I have worksman wheels on my custom cruiser. 11 gauge spokes & worksman wheels are a good match for us big boys! Don't worry.........ride happy!

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