The job I just started had this bike sitting in an extra building, they used to have a 'country store' display/theme when they first opened and had this in there. I harassed the owner until he sold it t o me for $40. I wanted to save it so bad, for a restoration project, if it can be saved. I don't have any info on it yet. I hope it's not a repop (the rust says otherwise) and I hope it is not too far gone yet (check the handlebars pic). I haven't even looked at the serial number yet. RIght now it's hanging until I can get to it and eventually would like to find a woman to ride it.
Once again, the high noon sun is my mortal photo enemy! Also, is the 'front' of the rack supposed to be attached to the frame somehow? There is a bolt/screw in there and it just flops. Like something is missing.
Once again, the high noon sun is my mortal photo enemy! Also, is the 'front' of the rack supposed to be attached to the frame somehow? There is a bolt/screw in there and it just flops. Like something is missing.