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Re: early bicycle photos

That vehicle Ronney is in looks like an older version of a vehicle used in draft speed records for bikes, it has a fairing with a window for the biker in back. Here's a modern version below used to set a 152+ mph record in 1985

Re: early bicycle photos

I read about that bike years ago. It sits in a museum somewhere now if I am not mistaken since it did break the record at the time.
Re: early bicycle photos

Here's the bike and that photo. I took these photos at the Bicycle Museum of America in Ohio in 2006. The newspaper article says his name is Letourneur and he died at age 67 of a heart attack. That's all I can make out..


Re: early bicycle photos

i guess with that gearing, one wouldnt be too concerned with brakes... or would they :|
Re: early bicycle photos

Hey Gerwin - any details on that great picture of the skeleton on the bike? That would make great ink!

I really love all the vintage pics. My family has pictures of my grandfather and a friend in riding gear in the 30's, but not with bikes. I don't have a copy here to upload, unfortunately
Re: early bicycle photos

The pic with Ronnie Householder was a record speed run on a highway near Bakersfield CA in May 1941. Alfred Letourneur was riding the special geared Schwinn Paramount. Mr. Letourneur was a factory rider for Schwinn. The event was sponsored by Schwinn.
Re: early bicycle photos

Hooch, I finally found the book about Alfred Letourner and Ronney Householder. An article on P.53 in the 50 years of Schwinn Built Bicycles. I think I've seen the book scanned and posted on the web somewhere? It gives the date of May 17, 1941. It says Letourner pedeled 1 mile in 33.05 secs. at 108.92 mph behind a shield mounted on the rear of a race car driven by Ronney Householder. It said the front sprocket had 57 teeth (1" pitch). and the rear 6. The preceding page gives an account of Charles "Mile-a-Minute" Murphy who on June 30, 1899 pedeled behind an enclosed train at Maywood Long Island NY and went ! mile in 57 4/5 secs. I think I've heard before that Ronney Householder also raced at Indy? Letourner was famous as a six day trials rider.
Re: early bicycle photos

yea he still holds the Indy qualifying record back when they did it in 10 laps but I have never found any info on the bicycle but thats really cool thanks!
Re: early bicycle photos

"Tour de France Mechanics
Rather rustic conditions for the mechanics attending to racing bikes at the 1922 TdF. From "Le Miroir des Sports" No.99, 1 April 1923. "


Re: early bicycle photos

Cool one Hugo. Skoda did you find an early ratrodbike club picture? The chimney sweeper is awesome as well. :D
Re: early bicycle photos

Hugo, a great pic of the mechanics. That truing stand he is using is neat and woudn't be hard to build. I wonder if he remembered to cross his spokes?

Skoda, the pics of the chopper style bikes is precious. The guy standing on the far left looks like he would be right at home today at a HOG get together.

And some more big geared bikes. I wonder if you could build a big sprocket like that out of something besides metal and it worked? Thanks!!!