Nice work so far, I can see the influences of all the bikes and posts you mentioned, coming together nicely!
Big Ape said:Hey this your first rodeo?? I think not! Everything about this build is sweet. I would personally add some curve to the new rear extension supports, but that is just my preference. Can't wait to see the finished bike!
deven_science said:Great build you've got unfolding! I would agree with Big Ape that curves in the braces might flow better, but either way, good job, man.
ChimeraCycle said:Great build thread. Love the putty work. Looks very schwinny that way. The rear drop out work & extension is boss.
Bike Bum said:Smoothing out the welds takes a lot of time but the finished results are amazing.
I guess I was confused, because I like concave better. Right? Or am I still confused? I liked the photoshop pic of the stays with the curve towards the ground.