(WBO2015) 1910 INDIAN Board Track - COMPLETED

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Sounds like maybe you missed a hole when lacing with the old spokes? Maybe did one side 4x and the other 3x?

This can throw you way off. I bought spokes for a 3x pattern and laced it 4x. it was all screwed up. The vid i posted in Carl's thread makes it real easy to get it right for the 3x.

A question to wheel builders.
I am guessin after you ride it a few times,the spokes will need tweekin some more?.

I've never had to do that. I'm still kind of a newb at the wheel building too but what you want to do is get some tension on the spokes and then stretch the spokes. I like to push on them from both sides with my hands until the spokes settle some. You'll hear some popping as the spokes settle and unwind.

Also helps to lube the nipples to keep the spokes from twisting as you tighten them down.

After lacing and truing, I tugged on all the spokes and pulled on them like plucking

Good instincts there Carl. Those spokes are just like a new set of guitar strings. They stretch a little and twist as your tightening them down. You want to work that all out by stress relieving them.

On my front rim for my Fastback I used 15 ga spokes which are a little thinner. I coudn't get it perfectly straight so I started pushing on the spokes pretty hard. It made some god aweful noises but when I got done I stuck it in the stand and it was perfect! Been that way since. Prolly has 50 miles on it at least.

Lots of good info on Sheldon Brown's site. Check out the stress relieving section for more on this topic.


Funkme that's an awesome vid. That boy looks so happy on Good Vibrations. Good job getting through the wheel build. It can get confusing.
Yeah it is nice to see him ride,now he takes-off when ever he wants.Normally he is on his game or internet and inside all day bored.
Arion & Good Vibrations

His older brother uses my electra.So he is next,thinkin the 26'bmx,as he is a speed freak.
Elias and the Electra jeremy(have all the parts to finish now)

The family has 4 boys,I just heard that Noah(2nd oldest) is off to Germany to work in a friends bike shop.He enjoyed coming over to my house and building with me 5 years ago.I didn't think he was all that into it.But his mum told me he has been fixing bikes in Austria for fun the last 2 years and now wants to learn more...:113:
Noah pondering on parts and style...

We only have 2 bike shops. One is so full of parts,what you see is what you get pop shop.The other is new and for more high end racing. Cycling has just taken off here in the last 2 years.I am the only one still building rats...
A balmy 20'c on a winter day in Jan,so it was a beach day picnic.
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Back to building...
Found the serial numbers and the original color from off the 3 wheeler.
Found a pipe that would fit inside to extend the bracket.From off a old Mtb or bmx.
Cut the bottom bracket and add the old one inbetween.
Then added another pipe over,extra security.
Seems to be straight.Might have a lil bend less than a mm? Will check it once on the bike.
Found this on the side of the road,thought it would come in handy for parts.
Then notice that I could use the sides as the fake gear plates or engine filler.
Something like this...
boardtrackracer - Copy.jpg
Decided I should be building a ark not a bike.
After 3 days and night of solid rain,I am wading ankle deep in the yard.
Spent time on digging trenchs to let the water pass through the land.
Yesterday was so beautiful that I got stuck into the Indian.
had the camera with me but didn't take any pics.I was so gun-ho to get as much done as possible.
I did snap some shots at the end of the day.
It was a 2 step forward and 1 step back day.I can't do that,until I do this,and before I do this,that needs to be done.:43::39:
So spent the day tack welding all bits in place just to get the position correct,like the chain length,and in-line,where the engine should be mounted,the shifter mount,the pedal clearance,if it is all straight.:crazy2::43:
The rear will still has to be deflated when taking it on and off,so I will make some rear drops that are a cm back,even thou I thought I did that?:39:
From all the rain,the rust has started to show.
The shape looks good,take no notice of the seat post,thats just a bit of bent pipe,stuck in there,for idea.And the grey tires are for another bike.

Next to make and tack on-(hopefully today)
Engine mounts
Rear drops
Tank plate

Expecting more rain.


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This is going to look so great Funk!

Yeah If I ever can get to work on it...Heavy rain again today,went out and picked up one of the bikes I lent to a friends,just made it back.
I'm glad I chopped the frame up,I remembered a year ago you saying to extend the rear end...lol
Well did more than that.
No work today as it's raining,might attempt to do some small things if I can inside.
I want to fix the grips by making them leather to match the seat.Maybe even wooded ends instead of those plastic ugly ones.
Carl,I purchased them for the summer build,then I have been thinking to put them on AOD.
I have to decide what bike I will build for the summer build-off...

I have seen some with champagne corks for ends too, just varnished, they look good! But with your skills I am pretty sure you could carve up some nice solid wood ones too...

Luke. ;)
:21: you and I are sometimes on the same page...I have leather lace and old belts.I was looking at this early on.I want to match the same color as the seat...
Have stripped the rubber off one grip,just waiting for the paint to dry...
Was also thinking of brass shotgun ends.:39:
:21: you and I are sometimes on the same page...I have leather lace and old belts.I was looking at this early on.I want to match the same color as the seat...
Have stripped the rubber off one grip,just waiting for the paint to dry...
Was also thinking of brass shotgun ends.:39:
You are right about that! Been planning an Indian build for a while in my head!

Today I decide to leave the Indian alone,and work on the Electra to get it finished.
Didn't even think of to take pics while I was doing it,I could have entered it into the build-off...
I have wanted to finish this bike for awhile,but was waiting on the tires.it has been sitting in the rain for 3 weeks at the kids house.
So today I cleaned the rust off the rims,found a loose spoke? So had to true both,front n back wheels.The crank was also loose,don't know how the kid was riding it?
Here it is a year ago.
Todays work.
With the wooden tank I am building,have one side done.
Back to working on the Indian today.
Today was fit the engine mounts.
Using hay bale string I tied the engine where I wanted it to be.
Assortment of different pipes from old handle bars etc.I think in the end I bent a bit of plumbing pipe and went with a bit from a motorcycle handlebar...
Because it is so close to the main frame,I pop riveted the bracket on first,this way it will stop the engine from moving or slipping.
The mounts tacked on.I used a old inner tube wrapped around twice then used high heat electrical tape,that melts together.This will stop the vibration from the motor.
I had this bit of holy pipe from inside of a exhaust.
I want to use it,to hide the cables etc.
Trimmed the bolt tabs off and it fits tight inside.
I will mount it on with vintage copper cable clamps.
Managed to weld on the top bar and engine mounts.Will grind and fill them tomorrow,I hope also to finish the tank bar ,shifter mount and tank plate...

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