The Renaissance Man
__CERTIFIED DIVER__ (Open Water & Open Dumpster)
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Good progress!
I have to say that I'm not feeling the Indian drop outs. To me it sort of distracts from the vintage vibe that you've got going on. It just doesn't seem like anything that would've been on such a machine from that era. (Just my opinion.)
If it were me, I'd mock paint'em up first. And see how you like them.Maybe I might just might grind the bottom part of the drops neat,just leave the face and the top part of the feathers.
Thanx RM, I did want to keep it like a original.Considering I had to make the dropouts,I thought to do with a twist.I will paint them up and see how they look.Grinding the feathers off wont be hard,but I still need the height at the top for the fender bolt...Hey, it's a custom anyway. It's not like you're trying to build a replica of an original. Now that I see them on the bike, I don't think it takes anything away from the rest of it. In fact it's not even noticeable until you look hard which makes for a cool surprise!