(WBO2015) 1910 INDIAN Board Track - COMPLETED

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Grinded the joints and filled with cold weld.I like the way it sets,much better than filler.Just needs sanding,pics later today.
So went shopping for a few nic nacs,found some interesting things in the kitchen section...
Does anyone else have the problem,every time you see something,you think how you can use it into a build?:43::39:
Picking a filter cover? A B or C eenie meanie mineee:39:
B fits on perfect,A is to much like RM's and C has different size holes or not,thinkin of C.Thoughts anyone?
Also went to get the color.Oh boy!!!:headbang: I wanted matt but the color I wanted doesnt come in matt.But I could get it in primer but $$$$.So ended up getting a color in satin.When I got it home and tested it in light,it was almost a pink.Arrrrgh:headbang:,so I found the red I used originally,some black and start a lil bit o dis, a lil bit o dat, and came up with this?
Once I add more black and take away the satin,should have that dirty crimson red I am after.
I had a idea to make dropouts in the shape of a Indian head(might be to much?
The cut out choices
I used the metal from the spare wheel rack from off my old Pajero.
2 lil Injuns
After I made them I relized I still have to mount the stand on,which would hide them.Maybe I could weld the stand on from the inside.Will test that all today.
Yes, when I go to thrift stores, I always hit the kitchen junk looking for bike parts. :D I have a bin in my shop with all sorts of unintended bike parts waiting to be used at some point.

Of course I like 'A' for the breather. As far as looking like mine, it would've been mine looking like yours if you had posted it a week earlier right? Great minds...

I have to say that I'm not feeling the Indian drop outs. To me it sort of distracts from the vintage vibe that you've got going on. It just doesn't seem like anything that would've been on such a machine from that era. (Just my opinion.)
I have to say that I'm not feeling the Indian drop outs. To me it sort of distracts from the vintage vibe that you've got going on. It just doesn't seem like anything that would've been on such a machine from that era. (Just my opinion.)

I have to agree, This build will stand out without the addition of doo-dads. I know that it is really hard to decide when enough isn't too much. This will be a fantastic bike even if you just finish it out cleanly!!
Still thinking on air filter,RM you made yours from scratch,I am just going to cap mine.
Well I welded the indian drops on,and I also welded the stand to the drops,Just saves a lot of hassle.
I know it is not from the era for the bike,but I don't think they are that noticeable.
Once it is all done, I will stand back and have another look,I can always grind the feathers off,and make them a plain shape.
The way they are mounted now makes it much easier to take the rear wheel off.
I also managed to get the rear fender mounted.
Cut of this front fender mount,and welded a bolt in place.The fender would have swayed and rattled with this setup.
Welded the bottom bar in.And the tank brackets on.
I split the tank today by accident.So instead of welding it,I used cold weld,will see if it leaks tomorrow.
Still have some tabs and the chain guide to weld on,also the mount for the shifter and tank space plate.
Then I can start to clean it all up.
Will try and get to the machinist to get the rear sprocket hole drilled larger to fit over the hub tomorrow.
Maybe I might just might grind the bottom part of the drops neat,just leave the face and the top part of the feathers.
Hey, it's a custom anyway. It's not like you're trying to build a replica of an original. Now that I see them on the bike, I don't think it takes anything away from the rest of it. In fact it's not even noticeable until you look hard which makes for a cool surprise!
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Air filter A looks best I think B would be cool too but it may not get as much air but I may be wrong. The Indian heads are cool when you stand back and look . They will be great when painted.
Hey, it's a custom anyway. It's not like you're trying to build a replica of an original. Now that I see them on the bike, I don't think it takes anything away from the rest of it. In fact it's not even noticeable until you look hard which makes for a cool surprise!
Thanx RM, I did want to keep it like a original.Considering I had to make the dropouts,I thought to do with a twist.I will paint them up and see how they look.Grinding the feathers off wont be hard,but I still need the height at the top for the fender bolt...
The filter cap A was originally for Blue Arrow,But I filled the shaker with a salt n pepper mix,then forgot to use it on the buld.I knew something was missing in the end. The B cap I had thrown into the Indian box of goodies. C I just found at the supermarket,it has different size holes,the cap spins around.I dont need holes as I am using the original filter,so these will be just caps to hide the black plastic.I also have small filters that fit on motorcycles,but maybe to modern.
Will decide on that at end,see wich one looks the part.
Today was a headache:confused:
Wanted to test the length of the chain,short like always,and the chain is a 415H slightly bigger than the change I received with the other moto.I am like 2 links short.
Worst was trying to mount the chain on the drive sprocket,the drive would not turn,but it did with the slightly thinner chain.Even with the clutch plate off.:confused:
Then relized it was scraping against the cover,so I grinded a indentation where the chain hits.
I cut out the space on the fender for chain.
Looks like I will need a second roller guide again to keep it off the tires.:headbang:
Honestly the tires are only normal balloon,not the 3.00' I used on BA.
I did get the hole drilled larger for the rear sprocket to fit on the hub..
Then I couldn't get the brake arm off to mount it:banghead:,so just almost pulled the hub to bits.
Managed to get the stem out,with a lot of banging and cursing.
I want it short and lower,I found one on half a bike I have,couldn't get that out at all,bent the actual stem shaft and frame from wacking it like a mad women.:grin:
So just cut it with the grinder in the end.
Either I will use that or make the one I was going to.
Will post pics up tomorrow.
I was feeling a lil under the weather yesterday,so no welding,or sanding,but did do a lot of cutting.
Cut the side of the fender and side plate to fit the chain.I have decided to mount a chain guard on this build,will fill in the gap.
I will use the chain guard that comes with the engine kit.
Cut it out and fill it with this.
I wanted a old looking shifter.So from a rusty 44 gallon drum I made this.
I will attempt to weld in the center soon.
Also cut out the bottom engine plates.
And the fender number plate.
All the rusty bits,will stay rusty.
I will use the headstem that is on the bike now,I like the look.Also I even like these handlebars,they are the strangest shape,and seem to suit the bike.
I wanted the board track look,but I don't really like this cut bars Indian style
So I thought to combine the 2 together
But just make it 1 whole set.
Sanded the rubber off the grips,ready for the leather.I am using old pocket bike grips,slightly smaller than the ones that came with the kit.
It's raining today,so will do the grips,and paint the number plate today,and any other small things that are inside jobs.


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