tore down the other bike today. Sorted parts. I think I know what will go with what. The Colorflow that made the rounds here in New England has some non-colorflow fenders that are wicked cool but apparently were chrome at some point. Taking all the parts I want for this build to sand blast. maybe they can get the chrome off. Will be tough though.
the collection of parts I wanna use for this build.
Oh, there are other things. patience, my friends, patience.
<... sent the wife out to get more popcorn>
Thanks for the beer money Ian, ya got my vote... unless of course, if Skip, well, would like to contribute to my delinquency.
nothing glamorous and no bribes. but gotta get the base stuff done. Brought the forks to work. and co-worker and I laid a quick bead of weld on the crack from over tightening the stem quill. I also used the big wire wheel at work to clean up as best I can the cranks on this bike and the bike I am building to auction for charity.
Note the crank on the left. That's the old Higgins crank. the copper is peeking through from the plating process. On the right, the Spaceliner (higgins) crank has no copper showing. 15 year difference (give or take) in manufacture date. pretty big difference in process. I love the copper look. kinda tiger stripe looking.