Yeah! Gotta know how that gear ratio works out for ya for starting out and what kind of top. I like your approach and hope to hear it does work. For me, top isnt too important, its the putt that counts and I like the sound of a thumper.
I haven't used a GPS on it yet so I can't say for certain what the top speed is. The clutch is 12t going to 35t on the jackshaft, the other side of the jackshaft is 12t going to a 44t rear sprocket. It is geared for 36mph at 5000rpm and 25mph at 3500rpm If I did my math right. I figured 25mph would be a good speed for riding around town since thats what most of the in-town speed limits are.
Ill get some pictures of the drivetrain soon. The weather has been ...... lately.
CLICK THE PIC BELOW TO SEE A VIDEO...hope you all enjoy.
Way Cool! I've wanted to build one like that since grade school (the 60's).I bought some plans dating to the 30's? similar to your configuration.Nice job man.Hey, I didnt read the whole thread,How does it ride? Hows the vibration?
Sorry its been so long since Ive replied. Ive been out at sea for awhile. jj256, yes all the bearings are all still serviceable in the hub and the rear sprocket is just the front chain ring welded to a rear cog.
It rides great and has enough low end to go up steep hills with ease and tops out at around 35mph. in the process now of repainting and adding a front brake. I'll post the pics when finished.
I am doing a Briggs in the build off 9 for this site. Very cool that your bike is running good minus the fan shroud. I was thinking this could really burn it up but I have seen it work on a couple others. I need to have mine done by the end of the month. I hope it turns out as cool as yours. You do not see a lot of these and even fewer that are done right. Kudos brotha!
Could you message me. I want to know how you set up your brake and jack shaft system. I really want to make a bike like yours but i need to figure everything out before i start spending money.