Western Flyer with giddyup...

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Jan 5, 2011
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I don't know if these 2 will stay together or not, First I need to get the motor running. The bike has a really clean Schwinn wheelset on it, I will probably put some WF wheels back on but I love the stuffed tires, and they don't rub. I aired up the tires and followed the instructions written on the back of the motor to try and start it...Prime,get bike up to 7MPH, throw the handle. Quite an experience, but it wouldn't fire with the crusty gas in it :)


Same time & place I found this gem....
Cool bikes! What is that thing on the rear fender of the second bike?
partsguy said:
Cool bikes! What is that thing on the rear fender of the second bike?

Delta tailight. I saw a pair just like that one that were attached together, one red lens and one green. Made to mount on the front of a boat. I've also seen that light with a built in spring clip to attach where you need it. Gary
super cool bike motor! never saw one like that. definitely drain all the gas out, fill up and drain again. change in-line fuel filter (if it has one), and clean spark-plug (shoot carb cleaner in plug hole). Make sure it's not oil/gas mixture vs straight gas. should fire right up! 9 times out of 10 it's the spark plug... maybe replace even if it looks OK. good luck!

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