Event this year is outdoor with masks like Mike's successful "Dudley" show up in North Grosvenor dale earlier this year.
While this is modeled after the beloved "Dudley" Swaps, you will find more regular folk too. They are looking for bikes and accessories. Some families are looking for kids bikes. Of course the usual collectable and flipper bicycle crowd is there too. Lots of rat rod projects and parts and camaraderie.
25$ per seller to go to the WHS Bicycle Club. Sellers please use the BOE Building Entrance off of Hartford Ave.
People not selling please use the Hanmer Elementary School Lot.
Wethersfield is great place to ride around and get lunch after.
Also if you want to come down in May we have decorated bicycles all up and down historic main street.
Lin to FB event for updates and to share
Contact tbrown@wethersfield.me
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