I had 68 Bonneville love that bike
The 68 was the last good vintage one in my opinion. I bought a new 66 Bonniville. I traded it in on a 67 TR6C. I got the enduro bug. I still have the 67 but the 66 bonniville was the best looking vintage Bonnie. I wish I had it still. It would do a 3 foot wheelie up jump when you shifted into second and a few inches off the ground shifting into third. It would easily go 85 in second with two people on board. I could only get it to what the advertised max speed of 120 was by going down a good hill. The front end got light and danced around.I had 68 Bonneville love that bike
My buddy has one for 25 years moldering in his basement. I tried to buy it about 15 years ago, but he wants to hang on to it.I had a Norton camando and BSA Victor special loved the camando
(some) Guitar guys like the way a nitro finsh starts to crack and check as the years go on. It's a feature for them...Nitro eventually peels off in sheets. It may take 15 years for the peeling to start, but eventually nitro lifts off.
Same type if not same brand of clear as the base. Do a test shot before comitting as the clear can wrinkle/lift the base coat and/or dissolve the decals.So what is the answer for a clear coat to go over decals?
Cool, that would look nice.(some) Guitar guys like the way a nitro finsh starts to crack and check as the years go on. It's a feature for them...